Coming of Age
him and the little moan she breathed into his mouth was the single most erotic moment of his life.
    He lost track of time, of how long they were there. A voice from the beach startled him with the yell, “Damn dude, get a room!”
    They broke apart and Livi laughed and waved at the young man on the beach walking his dog. She took Max’s hand and led him over to the edge of the deck that overlooked the beach. There were not a lot of people on the beach yet. The sunlight sent shards of light dancing off the water as the surf pounded in.
    “So, what do you want to do?” She turned and leaned against the rail, looking up at him.
    He smiled and reached for her. Livi laughed and evaded his grasp. “Plenty of time for that, stud. How ‘bout we go swimming?”
    Stud? He’d been called a lot of things, geek, dork, and dweeb – never stud. “Okay.” He agreed.
    She grabbed his hand and started for the back stairs. Together they ran to the beach, him peeling off his shoes and shirt and her wiggling out of her shorts. Max thought it curious that she left her tank top on, but didn’t mention it. He was too happy just to be with her. They raced to the water, diving in.
    Livi surfaced after he did, and the sight of her took his breath. The white tank top was all but transparent, clinging to her like a second skin. It was a wet t-shirt fantasy come to life. Her eyes fixed on his and held as she waded toward him. She reached for him and he thought she was about to kiss him. Instead, she pounced on him, pushing him backwards.
    The pseudo-fight was on. Laughing and splashing, they battled, their maneuvers interspersed with long passionate kisses, and quick fondles. It was heaven. When she finally called uncle, they waded to shore, hand-in-hand. Livi flopped down on the bare sand. Max sat down beside her and she lay back, smiling up at him. Max lay down on his side, running his hand over her torso in slow circles.
    Livi rolled onto her side and into his arms. Their lips met and once more Max fell into sensations that threatened to send him into total overload. He had to remind himself they were on a public beach. When she pushed him back and straddled his body, he had to fight back a groan. She smiled down knowingly at him. There was no way she could miss the raging hard-on he was sporting. She was sitting right on top of it.
    “Time for another swim,” she said and jumped up, offering her hand.
    The afternoon passed in a haze of happiness and passion that was rising faster than the temperature, threatening every bit of control he had. The beach started to empty. They stayed for a while longer, taking a long swim that was comprised far more of kissing and caressing than swimming. When Livi announced that she was starting to prune and pulled him toward shore, he did not argue.
    They stopped at the bottom of the stairs of the rental house and rinsed off in the outdoor shower, then went upstairs. Livi grabbed a towel from a stack on a bench near the door, tossed him one, then took one for herself and started to dry. She raked her fingers through her hair and grimaced. “Ugh, I definitely need a shower.”
    Max didn’t comment. Was she telling him she was going to shower or was it an invitation? He didn’t know and sure didn’t want to make a jerk of himself by guessing wrong.
    “Well?” she asked.
    “What?” Damn, that sounded stupid.
    “You want to take a shower?”
    “Uh, yeah. Sure.”
    She laughed and held out his hand. “Come on. I promise not to bite. Well, not hard anyway.”
    It would have taken a battalion of armed men, tanks and at least several rockets to stop him from taking her hand and accompanying her inside.
    Olivia started the shower then peeled off her tank top and shimmied out of her bikini bottom. Max had just reached for the button of his jean shorts and froze. He’d imagined her naked a thousand times, but nothing in his

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