Combust: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance

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Book: Combust: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance by L Wilder Read Free Book Online
Authors: L Wilder
but I do my best to keep it from her. I’d rather not hear her tell me she was right. She throws some blankets and pillows on the mattress, while I light some candles.
    As I’m putting another log on the dwindling fire, she says, “You’ve done enough. Please lay down while I go lock up for the night.”
    I nod, knowing she is right and carefully lower myself down on the makeshift bed. My aching muscles immediately feel better once I lie down and make myself comfortable. As the throbbing pain slowly subsides, I smile to myself, knowing that Ana is going to be sleeping in this bed with me tonight. She is still wandering around the house locking up when the power finally goes off, plunging the place into darkness.
    “All secure,” she tells me as she walks back into the room. I look up and notice she’s changed into some black leggings and an oversized Kentucky t-shirt. She stands there for a moment, keys still in her hand. She looks around, taking in the splendor of the room, which is now only partially illuminated by the flickering yellow and blue tipped flames of the fire. She is clearly on edge as she walks to the stone mantel. The keys fall from her hand, and she turns back to me. “Well, this is nice and warm,” she says bashfully. There’s indecision lurking within her eyes as she looks at me. I want her. I want all of her. I feel like just blurting it out, telling her exactly how I feel, but I’m willing to wait until she’s ready.
    The howling wind and the sound of the ice hitting the windows break the silence of the room as she slowly kneels down on the edge of the mattress. A warm feeling of satisfaction rolls over me as she curls up in the spot next to me. I protectively pull the blankets over us and do my best to resist the urge to grab her and pull her body against mine. I want to lay here and just enjoy having her close to me, but I can barely keep my eyes open. When I can’t fight it any longer, I let myself fall asleep.
    I wake several times throughout the night from the sounds of nearby trees crashing to the ground. The daunting weight of the falling ice is just too much for them. I’m tempted to get up to see how bad things are getting, but I don’t want to move. The fire is dying down to only glowing embers, and Ana is curled up close to me, pressing her ass into my groin. I lay my head down on the pillow just inches from hers and inhale deeply, taking in the scent of her hair. I slip my arm around her waist as she squirms closer to me. I’m almost relieved that I’m too tired to think; otherwise I’d have one hell of a hard on. I close my eyes again, giving in to my exhaustion.
    The ice finally gives way to snow during the night, leaving us stranded without a cell phone or any form of communication… or distractions. It’s just us, making the best of a bad situation. Luckily, she uses gas for her stove and water heater, so we don’t have to worry about how we’re going to shower or cook.
    We spend the next two days forming our own little routine around the house. Each morning, she curls up at the end of the sofa and reads a book, while I work on crossword puzzles from the old newspapers. I love watching her read. She shows a thousand emotions with just her facial expressions. She bites her lip when she reads a part she likes. It is so damn cute. I ask her to tell me about it, and her face turns pink, letting me know exactly what she’s reading.
    When things get too quiet, I coax her into telling me funny things that happened to her when she was a kid, which leads me to share some stories of my own. I’m not even sure how it happens. I tell her things I haven’t ever told anyone before. When she shares something funny, I find ways to pester her, pushing her buttons until she smiles. I could spend an eternity listening to her laugh. Usually, being cooped up like this would drive me crazy, but I can’t remember when I’ve enjoyed spending so much time with another person.
    Her dad has

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