Claiming Addison

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Book: Claiming Addison by Zoey Derrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoey Derrick
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Romantic Erotica, Lgbt, bisexual
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    Okay, mac n’ cheese added to his list of favorite foods, check. Wait a damn minute, why am I making a mental list of his favorite foods? I roll my eyes at myself. He doesn’t stick around while I eat. I feel awful that he can’t eat before a show and wish there was some way I could help take the edge off. I noticed as the time passed, sitting here with me while I waited for my food to cook, and the show got closer, he got really fidgety. When I tried to talk to him about it, he just brushed it off.
    69 Bottles has played some of the bigger music festivals before going on this tour so I don’t know if the size of the audience has anything to do with it. I shrug it off. Something to ask him about later. Here I go again, assuming him and I will ever have that kind of conversation.
    I can’t believe I got all personal and shit with Kyle earlier and more than that, for the first time in years I was struck down by my insecurities and damn it, I hate that. I haven’t felt that insecure about myself since before the boob job. But there is definitely something brewing between Kyle and Talon, I’d just like to know what. It’s not like they’re new to each other. Kyle’s been with them since the beginning. He met Talon in college or some shit like…
    I run to the front of the bus and down the steps, straight into the arena and Rusty is hot on my tail. “Dang, girl. What’s on fire?” he shouts from behind me.
    I clear the back door and the person I need to talk to is dead ahead of me, being overly flirtatious with a chick wearing less clothes than I am. Time to cockblock.
    I stride up to Kyle and place my arm around his waist. “Hey baby,” I say in the sexiest voice I can manage.
    He looks at me, shocked, then back to the girlfriend. “Hi,” he says hesitantly.
    “I was waiting for you on the bus and you never came.”
    The blonde bimbo huffs and stomps off. I can’t stop the snort.
    “Now what in the hell was that all about? So not fair, you cockblocked me.”
    I laugh. “I need to talk to you. Outside, please?”
    “Now? The shows gonna start.”
    “Oh my god, are you actually whining?” I cross my arms over my chest.
    He pouts. “Maybe a little. You cockblocked me.”
    “She probably has rabies. You’ll get over it.” I take his hand and lead him back toward the back door, we pass by Rusty. “He’s with me, I’m covered and I need to talk to him, alone.”
    He nods in acknowledgment as I crash through the back door, scaring the shit out of the door guy. “Sorry,” Kyle says.
    As soon as we’re some distance away from the door I let go of his hand and turn on him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
    He looks shocked. “Tell you what, Addison?”
    “Who you are?”
    “Huh?” He has a genuine look of surprise on his face, but yet I’m still not buying it.
    “Don’t give me that shit, Kyle Black! You know damn well what I’m talking about.”
    “Bad timing…?” He says with a shrug of his shoulders, the shocked face is gone, replaced by sadness. Something is flitting in his eyes. Fear, maybe?
    “It’s worse now because standing in the middle of that bus it hit me like a ton of bricks. I don’t see how I couldn’t see it before.”
    “Aw come on, Addison, you’ve never met me before, how could you have known?”
    “But damn it, Kyle, you have his eyes. You look just like him in some ways, but my memory is tainted and fuzzy.”
    “Shit, Addison, I’m sorry. I hoped you’d never figure it out.” He looks so sad. “I really didn’t want you to figure it out and I’m not sure I could’ve brought myself to ever tell you.” His voice drops to a whisper, “I didn’t want it to come between…” He trails off. His lips move, but I can’t quite make out what he’s said.
    I try to give him a half smile but fail. Tears are forming in my eyes and I know that if I blink, they’ll run over. I try to look up to the night sky, but I can’t and the

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