Cinderella Sister

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Book: Cinderella Sister by Dilly Court Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dilly Court
‘But the Lord tells us to look after the halt and the lame and so I bought an oxtail. It will make a nice stew for the family and the fellow upstairs can sup the broth. In the old days I would have made some calves’ foot jelly, but that was then and this is now.’
    Lily placed the last few garments on the airer and pulleyed it into place above the range so that the sheets, pillowcases and shirts dangled above them in the rising warm air. ‘There,’ she said with a sigh of satisfaction. ‘That’s done for another week. Lord, how I wish we could afford a scullery maid.’
    ‘Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain, girl,’ Aggie said sternly. ‘You aren’t too old to feel the back of the wooden spoon across your knuckles.’
    Lily backed away as Aggie reached for her weapon of choice. Lily knew only too well what it felt like to be at the receiving end of the spoon wielded by an angry Aggie, and she had seen her brothers with tears in their eyes after receiving a smart rap on the head. Only Matt and Grandpa were exempt from such punishment, and of course Nell, who never put a foot wrong and, in Aggie’s eyes at least, was well on her way to sainthood.
    Lily snatched up the remaining garments, which would be hung over a clothes horse in front of the parlour fire. ‘I’ll just see to these and then I’ll check on Grandpa and the Frenchman.’
    ‘If the doctor comes calling, don’t let him anywhere near my kitchen,’ Aggie said, tipping the contents of her basket onto the table. ‘If that man gets a whiff of stewing oxtail we’ll never get rid of him. And there’s no brandy left, so he’ll have to go elsewhere to get his tipple.’
    ‘Yes, Aggie.’ Lily hastened from the room and made her way to the parlour where she lit the fire. Having draped the laundered garments over the clothes horse, she went to check on her grandfather. He was at his usual place by the window, peering at the river traffic through a spyglass. ‘Do you need anything, Grandpa?’
    He turned to glare at her. ‘I’ve been forgotten as usual. Where was my morning tea? I rang the bell but no one came. I suppose you were mooning over that damned foreigner upstairs.’
    ‘I was doing the ironing, Grandpa. But I’ll fetch you a cup of tea now.’
    ‘Too late, the moment has passed. I’m famished and I want my midday meal. I know the old besom has returned from market. I saw her through the window not ten minutes ago, so I know there’s food in the house. I have a fancy for bread and cheese and a couple of pickled onions. Oh, and a pint of strong ale would go down nicely.’ He thrust his hand into his pocket and drew out a leather pouch from which he produced a silver threepenny bit. ‘Take this, but I want the change.’
    ‘Yes, Grandpa. I’ll be as quick as I can, but I’ve got to check on the poor fellow upstairs before I go out.’
    His bushy eyebrows drew together in a scowl. ‘Never mind him. I want my ale now.’ His expression softened and he bared the few teeth he had left in a smile.‘Be a good girl for your poor old grandpa, Lil. I need some sustenance or I’ll like as not pass out with hunger and thirst.’
    She shook her head, smiling. ‘You’re an old fraud, Grandpa. You like people to think you’re a fierce old thing, but I know different.’
    ‘Get on with you, girl. You’re a sight too much like your ma for your own good.’
    ‘Not me, Grandpa. It’s Molly who is the spitting image of Ma.’
    ‘No, you’re wrong there, Lil. You’re the artistic one, and don’t try to deny it. I’ve seen you outside on the wall doing your drawings of the river. It don’t matter what Matt or Nell say; it’s in your blood and you can’t do anything about it.’
    ‘I’ll go to the pub and fetch your ale, Grandpa.’
    She was halfway down the path when she saw Matt striding towards the house. He had a purposeful look on his face and a set to his jaw that made her suddenly anxious. ‘Is anything wrong, Matt?’

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