Cigar Bar

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Book: Cigar Bar by Dion Perkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dion Perkins
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One thing he heard for certain was a gunshot and then his little sister’s scream. “Fuck!” he shouted as he and the other truck dipped in and out of traffic.
    Back at the house, the man held Frankie’s face in his hand. “Before we kill you, we need to know where the rest of the money is!”
    Frankie was bleeding from his mouth after being repeatedly, brutally punched in the face. He was sitting in the chair. “Fuck you, bitch!” Frankie said.
    “Okay, Mr. Tough Guy! You win,” the thug said, and he pulled out his gun and put it to Frankie’s thigh.
    Pop! The bullet went right through the bone in his left leg. Frankie screamed out in agony, and then he started to thrash. “Let me fuckin’ go and I’ll kick your fuckin’ ass, bitch!”
    The man sent one of his goons into the living room to get Dawn. The girl protested as she was snatched from the couch. Damn! This nigga strong as shit!
    When they walked into the room, she saw her girlfriend’s blood and flesh splattered on the wall. She screamed and cried. The heartless Ukrainian put his gun to Dawn’s head. “If you don’t tell me, Frankie, she’s dead!”
    Frankie laughed. “Oh, please, I just met that bitch tonight, and she got stuck on my cousin and didn’t wanna give me no pussy!”
    “Your cousin?” the man repeated. “Who is this cousin you speak of?”
    Dawn looked at him with straight disgust, “Really?”
    The man looked at Dawn. “This is problem… One of you I don’t need.”
    Frankie insisted, “Well, kill her!”
    “What the fuck?!” Dawn screamed. “No, kill his bitch ass! That’s my boyfriend and he really doesn’t like that motherfucker over there!”
    “Fuck you, nigger!” Frankie screamed at Dawn. “We just met you and this dead bitch tonight!”
    The man looked at the pair. “But on the other hand, you are the one who stole from us, and she does look like she could get us more, so okay.” The man stood and put his pistol to Frankie’s head again.
    “Wait, wait!” Frankie protested, “Why me?”
    “Because you are thief, dumb fuck!” Before he could protest any further, boom! The man blew Frankie’s head clean off with a shotgun. His head, bone, and brains were mixed in with the Monique’s bloody remains.
    “Let’s go!” the men said, and they grabbed Dawn and ushered her outside. Four more guys were walking into the house, carrying the blue barrels from the truck and into the room.
    Just as they were walking back out, two black trucks pulled up in front of Frankie’s house. Spazo and his team exited their vehicles. He spotted his little sister being man-handled by one of the Ukrainians.
    He yelled, “Dawn!”
    All hell broke loose in the small, suburban town. It was like the shootout at the OK Corral. Boom! Boom! Rat-a-tat-tat! Pop! Pop! Boom! Boom! Pop! Rat-a-tat-tat! Pop, Pop! Ping!
    Both sides were firing. “Get down!” Spazo screamed to his sister as bullets tore over her head.
    About to dive to the ground, Dawn was shot by one of the men, who saw her and took aim.
    “No! Oh, fuck! No! Dawn!” Spazo screamed when he saw his little sister fly backward into the side of the truck.
    Spazo ran headfirst into the man who had shot Dawn. The thug shot Spazo once. With murder on his mind, he jumped at the shooter. The man continued to shoot at Spazo, but only that one bullet struck him. The man was huge but that didn’t matter. Spazo knew how and where to hit. He caught the man in the throat first, then connected with a kick to the temple. Spazo was so fast that the big man had no chance to react, even though he knew what was coming.
    Boom! Boom! Pop, Pop! Pop! Rat-a-tat-tat! Ping! Pop! Pop!
    The firefight was intense and men started to fall one at a time; first Ukrainians and then GC Crew members, one after the other.
    When Spazo was almost near his sister, she was scooped up by the main guy and tossed into the back of the Lincoln. As it sped down the street, Spazo had to shoot his way back to the

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