Chance Lost

Read Online Chance Lost by Jo Larue - Free Book Online

Book: Chance Lost by Jo Larue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Larue
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
wouldn’t be right or proper to stare at them for too long so she turned to watch some of Jack’s staff playing beer pong. Far be it for her to butt into their business. If they wanted her to know, she figured they would say something eventually.
    Unable to help herself, Chance turned to look at them again, wondering if Sylas intended on coming back, when the wind picked up. Her hair blew in her face and she heard the staff fussing about the game getting messed up, but what she saw kept her rapt attention. As she brushed the loose strands back, something started to shimmer in front of Sylas and Jack. Chance rubbed her eyes to see if she was hallucinating, but it was still there. It appeared to be a woman but she couldn’t make any other distinctions.
    As quickly as the shimmer appeared, it was gone . You’ve had far too much beer to drink if you’re seeing things. Chance fussed at herself, Way to impress a man. Getting snockered on your first outing with the hot biker . Chance shivered, wishing she had dressed a little warmer. The same moment she went to reach for her jacket, she felt a warm solid body next to her. Sylas was back and sitting beside her.
    “You looked cold, so I came back to offer you some warmth. I can get your jacket for you if you want it.” Sylas looked at her with the question in his eyes. Chance realized he was asking her permission to touch her.
    Somehow she trusted this man and that realization shocked her. She’d not allowed physical contact from anyone, other than Gus, since she stopped living in foster care. With Sylas, she felt protected, not fearful, and it was a new, but strange feeling. To answer his question, she reached out for his hand, keeping eye contact with him, and placed his arm over her shoulder. She leaned into him to gather more of his warmth and sighed as it spread through her.
    “ I’m not doing this just for the warmth ,” she thought as electric pulses shot through her again. The restless feeling started again, only this time it felt more insistent, as if there was something in her head wanting out. Chance closed her eyes, willing it to stop. “Not now, please. Lets not lose the nice guy over your craziness!” Finally it relented and gave her some peace.
    The wind died down and the beer pong game restarted after the table was reset with cups. Together, they watched the game until Jack declared the eats were ready. He moved two picnic tables together, making enough room for everyone to sit comfortably. He served steaks cooked to perfection, baked potatoes with all the trimmings, corn on the cob, salad and fresh baked rolls. It didn’t take long for all the food to disappear.
    When everyone finished and helped clear the mess, Jack led everyone down towards the lake. The sky darkened while they were cleaning, and it was near sunset. Near the waters edge, Jack had a fire pit lined with rock and surrounding it was a round rock bench lined with pillows. Nearby there was a dock with more seats under a gazebo and it was where Sylas led her. Jack lit the fire and pulled out a guitar. Soon everyone was singing along to “The Dock of the Bay”. Chance leaned into Sylas again, as it seemed to be colder there by the lake.
    Sylas was singing along with them. Chance closed her eyes and sat back to listen. His voice was deep and clear, with perfect pitch. Chance opened her eyes and blushed, not realizing until that moment he was singing to her. The words caressed over her like a long lost lovers touch.
    When the song ended, Sylas whispered in her ear, “But I don’t feel like I’m wasting time Chance, not since I met you. I’ve laughed more with you in these last two days than I have in years. You continue to delight and surprise me. I hope you’ll give us both more time to learn more about each other. There is no rush and no demands from me. Will you allow me to spend more time with you?”
    Chance looked into his glowing green eyes…

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