Chain of Title

Read Online Chain of Title by Robyn Roze, Peg Robinson, Patricia Schmitt (pickyme) - Free Book Online

Book: Chain of Title by Robyn Roze, Peg Robinson, Patricia Schmitt (pickyme) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Roze, Peg Robinson, Patricia Schmitt (pickyme)
inhaled with surprise when she opened the door,
then smiled warmly at the handsome man on her doorstep.  In the crisp morning
light, she saw the hint of gray at his temples—making him even sexier.  She
shook her head, faintly.  Life just wasn’t fair.
    “Morning, gorgeous,” he said
with a quick wink.  His eyes creased from the broad smile that stretched his
soft lips.  “I can’t believe you left this morning without saying goodbye,” he
teased, with a knowing grin.
    “I left a note.”  She felt
her skin flush as she watched his eyes slowly scan the length of her body.  She
might as well be naked.  The robe wasn’t much of a barrier to the hills and
valleys with which he was now so intimately familiar.  “You know I like to work
out first thing in the morning.”
    “Yeah, but I keep thinking if
I’d done things right you wouldn’t have been awake to make it to the gym this
    Crossing her arms under her
breasts and tilting her hips, she said, “Well, I guess one of us did things
right.  You certainly seemed to be sleeping soundly when I left.”
    She saw him bite back a
laugh.  He shook his head and huffed softly.  “Well, maybe you’ll give me the chance
to redeem myself.”  Shayna shrugged, and he smiled.  “Are you going to let me
    “Should I?”
    “Well, I was hoping to catch
you before you had breakfast.  I whip up pretty mean omelets.”
    “So you’ve said,” Shayna replied
as she stepped back and opened the door further.
    She wasn’t used to seeing him
outside of Gaetano’s.  He was dressed casually, in a white polo shirt draped
over loose jeans.  His short sleeves highlighted his strong biceps and thick forearms,
while the silver Breitling drew attention to his large hands hooked at his
front pockets.  Was there any place those hands hadn’t touched her last
night?  The fresh memory of the cool steel of his watchband pressing against
her heated flesh made her shiver.
    “I was just getting ready to
make breakfast, but if you’re offering, I’d be more than happy to let you.”  As
he eased into her brightly lit foyer, she felt his hand snake around her waist
while the other cupped her face, pulling her up to her tiptoes for a deep kiss. 
Her body tingled.  This man knew how to kiss, knew exactly how to kiss her . 
The hair at the back of his neck felt damp, probably from a recent shower, and
he did smell good enough to eat.
    Breaking their sultry seal,
Shayna pulled away and said with narrowed eyes, “You’re not getting out of
making me breakfast, Sean Parker.”  She grinned and took his hand, leading him
to the enviably large gourmet kitchen.  She parked herself on a padded stool at
the stone countertop and gestured around the well-appointed, modern kitchen. 
“Make yourself at home.  I can point you in the direction of anything you
    “You’re not going to help?”
    “Nope.  I’m going to indulge
my fantasy.  A man who can cook in the kitchen and the bedroom—now that’s a major turn on.”
    Sean laughed aloud as he removed
eggs, cream, jalapeños, cheese, and other ingredients from the refrigerator.  “Well,
I just hate to see all your cooking classes go to waste.  I thought you’d show
me what you can do,” he said, as he placed the perishables on the cool
    Shayna laughed throatily.  “Oh,
I think I already have,” she replied sexily.
    Sean stopped what he was
doing and outlined her features with his eyes.  Then they clouded over, and he inhaled,
shaking his head clear.
    “Of course,” she continued, “any
good cook knows that a recipe is merely a suggestion.  You have to make it your
own, put your mark on it.  Can’t ever be afraid to experiment, try new
things.”  She heard him swallow hard and she licked her lips before giving him
a carnal wink.
    “Sure you want to eat first?”
Sean asked as he leaned across the counter space nearer to her.
    “Oh, no,” she said, wagging
her finger at

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