
Read Online CelebrationAfterDarkKobo by Marie Force - Free Book Online

Book: CelebrationAfterDarkKobo by Marie Force Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Force
in his arms. Then the buzz of a motorbike on the nearby road reminded him of where they were. “Not here,” he said gruffly, breaking the kiss to grab her hand and bring her with him to the marina, where he could kiss her in private.  

Chapter 6
    Linda scurried along with him, each of them carrying a towel back to the marina. Mac dropped his right inside the door and then took hers and dropped it on the floor.  
    “They’ll never dry in a pile on the floor.”
    “I’ll worry about that later. Hang on for one minute.” Not sure what was about to happen, Mac went to the bedroom, where the scent of bug spray lingered, but not as strongly as before. He brought the mattress into the room and quickly made the bed with the sheets and comforter his mother had helped him buy last week.
    Then, with his heart pounding and his mouth gone dry with nerves and desire, he went for Linda, took her by the hand and brought her into the room. “No more spiders,” he said, hoping against hope that was true.
    “It looks nice in here.” She dropped his hand and went to sit on the bed. “Comfortable.”
    “It will be. Eventually.”
    “It is now.” She lay back on the bed, putting her arms above her head in a leisurely stretch that put her breasts on full display and reignited the fire in his blood.
    Mac swallowed hard, his hands rolling into fists at his sides.
    “Are you going to join me?”
    “Do you want me to?”
    “Yes, Mac,” she said, laughing, “I want you to.”
    His heart beat so hard and so fast that he began to worry he might pass out or something equally embarrassing as he lowered himself to the bed and reached for her. She came into his embrace like she’d been doing it forever. His leg slid between hers, and her hand landed on his chest.  
    “Hi there,” she said, her smile lighting up her eyes.
    He wanted to make her smile every day so he could watch her eyes light up like that. “Hey.”
    “How you doing?”
    “Never been better. You?”
    “Same here.”
    “Yes, Mac, really. Do you think you’re the only one who’s bowled over here?”
    “I was sort of hoping it wasn’t just me.”
    “It’s not.” She took his hand and placed it on her chest. “Feel that?”
    Her heart beat wildly under his palm. “Yeah.”
    “That’s because of you.”
    “I seem to be suffering from the same condition.” He put her hand on his chest.
    “Oh, so you are.”
    “My heart has never pounded like that for anyone else.”
    He shook his head.
    “Have there been many others?”
    “A few here and there, one that might’ve been serious, but we wanted different things from life.”
    “What did she want?”
    “Travel and adventure and a life far away from a remote island off the coast of Rhode Island.”
    “Were you sad when it ended?”
    “For a while, but I’m over that now. How about you? Any serious boyfriends?”
    “One in high school.”
    “What happened to him?”
    “He joined the Peace Corps, and I haven’t seen him in a couple of years.”
    “Do you miss him?”
    “I did.”
    “Until when?”
    “Until yesterday, when I met you, and now I can’t seem to remember his face or the sound of his voice. I see only you. I hear only you.”
    A low groan escaped from Mac’s tightly clenched jaw. “Is this real? Are you real?”
    “It’s real. It’s so real.”
    “How am I going to take you home tomorrow when I want to keep you here with me forever?”
    “Let’s talk about that tomorrow. We have a lot of time between now and then.”
    “Not nearly enough.” Then he was kissing her as if his life depended on her, and maybe it did. Maybe any chance he’d ever have to be truly happy came down to this tiny woman with the big personality, bright smile and dazzling eyes. All he knew was, he’d never felt anything remotely like he did when he kissed her.
    She drove him mad with the sweet, sexy way she kissed him, her tongue stroking his and making him see stars as he

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