Caught Inside
overload and we both were internally dealing with what
ramifications might occur after.
    For Trey, it was the fact that she was
not only a client but a powerful woman who could easily break his
heart without a second glance. He didn't know if he could handle
it. He had thought of her more than he cared to admit since the
first time he saw her picture in her file on his desk. Zachery had
asked for a little help on this one, since it would be such a big
client order. She was looking for a full-time social mate, not just
a one night social function or a way to make an ex jealous, which
was more of the common request that they got. With what she was
asking for and the way she had originally talked with Zach over the
phone; Trey had gotten the impression that she would need to be
handled with care. Right now, the only care he wanted to show her
was his hands rubbing over her naked body and finding the places
that made her scream for mercy.
    I looked at Trey and saw a misty look
to his eyes. One second I was flirting with him, and he teased
right back, and the next second it was as if he had to think long
and hard about what this could do to our client relationship. I
knew my only hesitation was the fact that I grew up with blonde
surfer boys breaking my heart and one in particular. However, after
such short interaction with Trey, I knew that deep within me was a
fantasy waiting to be fulfilled. A man like Trey, could make me
really happy, yet he didn't fit into my high powered executive life
without complications at work, and that was something I needed to
make sure didn't happen. My career came first. But would a single
night of playtime help me relax a bit for Japan?
    Then I did exactly what my mind told
me not to do. I took the lead and started the game. "I bet you are
exhausted from surfing and your play date. Want to sit in my hot
    He turned and looked at me with a
wicked taunting smile. "I'm ok. I've got plenty left in the engine.
I don't have a swimsuit though."
    "Don't need one." I teased back. Then
I stood and set my half-empty beer off to a glass table and began
to strip out of my running clothes. I slowly sauntered over to my
hot tub control panel and pushed a few buttons while standing there
naked. Then I looked at him with an incredible taunting smile on my
face, and head nodded for him to follow. "We're secluded here. Just
two friends taking a nice relaxing soak."
    He chugged the last of his beer, set
the bottle on the table next to mine, had his clothes off and was
in the hot tub in less than two seconds after me.
    We both situated ourselves in the
double lounger that faced each other. The jets were blowing bubbles
up, and the sensual aroma of vanilla started up. We both stared at
each other for several minutes with smiles on our faces. Then I
finally had to say something. "Trey? I think we both know this
might lead somewhere. I still need your company's services, and you
and I still need a professional working relationship. I suppose we
just act like mature consenting adults tonight and leave it at
that. That it's just a benefit."
    I watched a smile creep onto his face
that read something more along the lines of devilish desire or
Jennifer beware. Then I felt his hands take my foot and begin to
massage it. He started with the balls of my feet and worked my toes
individually, and then he began massaging the entire foot, slowly
letting his hand slid up my calf and back down, rotating hands. It
was a sensual caring move that had me relaxing in one stroke and
slowly awakening my body to what it desired. Trey and his naked
hard body pressed against mine. His hard throbbing cock in me. I
desired him, yet I knew that something more was starting here,
something with a bit of chemistry that had a flash of skull and
crossbones in my mind. Something I knew I would not let happen and
that something was a relationship. This is just sex; I mentally
screamed inside my head. Then I felt his hands slowly work

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