better of her. “Is there aught amiss that you plan on visiting with the sheriff, Sir Talan?”
“Not at all,” Talan replied visibly relaxing. “I am escorting Mylla to the festival.”
“Oh, I see.” Lecie instantly brightened at the news. “If that is the case, I have no doubt a few of her brothers will be joining you as well.”
“No doubt, we shall have a full escort.” Talan chuckled. “Shall we look for you later at the festival?”
“As much as I would like to go, I cannot. Hamon shall send Joseph should there be a need to replenish the ale.” Scooping vegetables into the cook pot, Lecie returned her gaze to him. “Please extend my greetings to Mylla. It has been quite some time since I have seen her last.”
“I shall,” Talan replied with a dip of his head as he departed. “I am sure she will be as disappointed as the rest of us that you will not be able to join in the festivities.”
“Perhaps next year I will be able to sneak away for a bit.” Swinging the cook pot over the fire, she called in parting, “Enjoy the day with your lady fair.”
Happy for her childhood friend, Lecie smiled as she heard Sir Talan whistle a merry tune as he passed through the garden.
Her thoughts on Albin as she lost herself to her task she did not hear the back door open behind her.
Adding more wood to the hearth, she yelped in fear when a muscular male arm reached past her to swing the cook pot away from the spitting fire. “Sir Albin, what are you about?”
“I have come to rescue the fairest maiden these weary eyes have ever beheld.”
“Have you now?” Half believing he was jesting with her, her voice faltered. “And what is it you are rescuing me from?”
“Yourself, lass. You work too hard.”
“Do I?” she managed in a breathless whisper.
“Aye, you do.”
“How did you manage to escape from the children to come back for me?”
“I ran into Leofrick who promised to keep an eye on them until I returned with you. They are to meet us by the booth after the puppet show.” Extending his arm to her, he gazed into her searching eyes. “Would you make a liar out of me, Lecie?”
“You truly wish to escort me to the festival?”
“Nothing would please me more.”
“There is so much yet to do.” Lecie absently wiped her hands on a rag as she lost herself to his gaze.
“If need be, I shall lend assist with a batch of scorched rolls for anyone wishing to dine this eve.”
“I would so like to go with you.” Lecie hesitated. “Yet I have never before shirked my duty to the inn.”
“Lecie, do you honestly believe the villagers will starve if you were to step away for a well deserved break?”
“Mayhap not,” she admitted. “Besides, I am sure by the end of the day they will be leaning more towards drink than victuals.”
“Then why are we tarrying here arguing when we can be enjoying the festival together?” Reaching his arms around her waist, he untied the apron at her back. Balling it up, he threw it over his shoulder where it landed on the table.
A tingle surged through her as his arms lightly grazed her hips as he stepped back. “Would you give me a moment to refresh myself?”
“Aye, I can and will.” Albin smiled. “Take all the time you need.”
Rushing up the steps, Lecie nearly knocked Betta off her feet as she exited one of the chambers.
“Lord of mercy. Where is the fire, Lecie?”
“Sir Albin has asked to escort me to the festival.” Out of breath, she scooped up the soiled sheets Betta dropped. “Would you mind overmuch to keep an eye on the cook pot when you finish up here? The trenchers and rolls have been seen to.”
“Have no fear, I shall see to everything.” Betta reached out to pat Lecie on the arm. “It is good to see you so animated again. Enjoy yourself at the festival.”
“You shall have a day of leisure all to yourself for this,” Lecie called as she hurried to her loft.
Slipping into a fresh kirtle
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