Camdeboo Nights

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Book: Camdeboo Nights by Nerine Dorman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nerine Dorman
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skin. Although well tanned, she had few wrinkles.
    “Yes, we’re back,” Helen answered, trying not to feel some annoyance for the accusatory tone she detected in her grandmother’s words.
    “The school is adequate?”
    Oblivious to the mood, Damon rushed in to answer, “It’s cool, ’cept for some of the rugger-buggers who are too pushy.”
    “You shouldn’t let the bullies get to you. In any case, you are both here now and while you are under my roof I don’t want you slacking off. I’ve drawn up a duty roster and have pasted it up on the fridge. I expect you to pull your weight. That way we won’t get under each other’s noses and God knows it’s hard enough with your mother.”
    Wow, that didn’t take long! “Fine,” Helen said, not looking up.
    “Didn’t hear what you said.”
    “It’s fine,” Damon answered but from the way he straightened his shoulders and shifted about he did not appreciate Anabel’s tone, either.
    All things considered, being stuck out here was still better than being sent up to Joburg or having to live with their aunt and uncle.
    Dinner was a formal affair but Anabel surprised Helen by allowing her and Damon each a half-glass of wine with their meal.
    “It aids digestion, and I’d rather you learn to drink moderately than end up raging binge-drinkers because you feel like you have to rebel,” she said, before lapsing into silence.
    Mother stared at the fork in her hands for a long time before deciding what to do with it. Damon had to keep nudging, reminding her to eat the rapidly cooling fish, veggies and boiled potatoes.
    All the while, Odin stared at them from the doorway, forbidden to enter the dining room. A thin sliver of saliva slipped from his muzzle to moisten the wooden floor. It was the same ritual every night.
    Anabel broke the silence. “What are you children planning this weekend?”
    Helen almost dropped her knife. Children?
    Damon answered. “I’d like to go hunting for snakes.”
    This statement, clearly designed to provoke, didn’t shock their grandmother. Was that twitch at her lips almost a smile?
    “Just watch out for the puffadders. There are plenty up in the kloofs . They’re lazy snakes and apt to strike first before trying to get away from you. However, you may want to meet the Prof then. He’s back from his overseas trip.”
    “The Prof?” Damon asked.
    “Professor Du Randt. He’s a herpetologist. Retired. Used to lecture at Wits. He built that house that looks almost like a castle.”
    Damon looked as if he were about to choke with excitement, the way his eyes bulged.
    Helen wasn’t sure yet if she should be relieved that her brother had an activity to keep him busy. She did need to work on the template for a fabric pattern...
    And, there was Arwen. She wasn’t sure how Anabel would react to the intended outing. It wasn’t always easy figuring out whom their grandmother approved of.
    Arwen, with her penchant for black, lace-trimmed clothing and too much eyeliner might just be too over the top. But, then, what was stopping Helen from simply telling her grandmother she’d go out this evening, regardless? Part of her certainly felt reckless enough.
    Anabel fixed her granddaughter with her basilisk glare. “And you, Helen?”
    “I’ve a friend from school–”
    “Arwen,” Anabel finished for her. “She comes from a family of hereditary witches, you know. Such a pity her parents chose that name for her. I’m sure she also gets teased a lot at school by the other children.”
    Helen had to force shut her mouth for fear of swallowing one of the gnats hovering around the candles. “What?”
    Damon leaned forward and put down his knife and fork. “Well, that witch thing certainly explains why Odette and the others are forever picking on her and the dwarf.”
    “Little person!” Helen snapped.
    Anabel smiled, and dabbed her mouth with a napkin, before sinking back into her high-backed chair. This forbidding woman’s mood became

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