Bye Bye Bloodsucker (Wicked Good Witches Book 3)

Read Online Bye Bye Bloodsucker (Wicked Good Witches Book 3) by Starla Silver - Free Book Online

Book: Bye Bye Bloodsucker (Wicked Good Witches Book 3) by Starla Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Starla Silver
blood no longer rushing to her head. But she had no words for what he’d just done to her. For the explosions still ricocheting throughout her insides.
    Riley wished they were in a private room, with a proper bed. He pictured many different ways to pleasure his blue-eyed beauty.
    “I’ve never let anyone touch me like that before,” Melinda revealed to him. Dreams did not count.
    His molasses eyes swirled and danced. “Something tells me you liked it.”
    “I really liked it,” she told him in throaty confidence.
    “Damn, Melinda… you keep talking in that voice, I will have no choice but to do it again.”
    Her cheeks turned red. He fed her confidence, but it still shattered too easily. She closed her eyes, determined not to let it claim her this time. His lips pressed against her forehead. A gentle kiss.
    “I can’t even explain what you feel like my little beauty queen. The way you react to what I do to you.”
    Beauty queen. Did he really just call me that?
    “And when you told me you needed more, that pretty near sent me over the edge. I almost forgot we were in a cavern and tore my pants off.” He chuckled. “You make me act like crazy man.”
    She let out a satisfied sigh. In his voice was nothing but honesty and devotion. “Still with the magically saying everything I want to hear.”
    “And I still can’t keep my mouth shut. You make me wear my emotions. No one’s ever done that to me.”
    Her insides stopped quaking, but her nerves tingled. Melinda wondered if she should return the favor. Wondering if he expected it. Her hand trailed down his chest, getting lower and lower. He caught it and brought her fingers to his lips, caressing them gently.
    It was the second time someone had done that to her in twenty-four hours, and both times stole her breath and stalled time. A pinch of guilt wrapped around her heart just thinking about William. However, it melted when Riley’s voice found her ears.
    “Today is all about you, Melinda. I want you to feel beautiful. Satisfied. I want to make you believe how special you are.”
    “Two days in a row of this… you’re spoiling me, Riley.”
    “You should be spoiled,” he lifted her chin to see her eyes.
    She saw only truth staring back at her. “Do you think we could stay right here for the rest of our lives, and just pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist?”
    His eyes gleamed dangerously. “I’d amend being stuck in this cavern, to a room in some luxurious hotel with a firm bed. And maybe a hot tub.”
    She grinned. “An entire night with you. Waking up beside you in the morning.” It sent a flutter of desire, reawakening the fire between her legs. “I like that idea.”
    He leaned in and kissed her, pulling away too quickly. She saw a flicker of apprehension dampen his dark gleam. “Melinda… will you promise me one thing?”
    His sudden seriousness got her worried. She nodded, her head a bit hazy.
    “Always be honest with me… even if you think it might hurt my feelings. I’ll try very very hard not to let it, it’s just… I don’t ever want to hurt you. And… well…”
    “You can tell me,” she urged.
    He shook his head. “I don’t want to keep bringing up the girl I was involved with, it seems so uncool. It’s just, she was never honest with me. I didn’t know until it was too late, but... I don’t think I can go through something like that again. She hid things from me. Lied to me. And the truth is…” he stopped, breath hitched. “The truth is I’m falling for you, really hard. I can’t believe how hard. Or fast. I suddenly cannot imagine how I got through life without you in it. I can’t even believe I’m telling you this.”
    She smiled, almost giddy over his willingness to share this with her. She couldn’t help it. Partly because she was feeling the same way. Her tongue twisted though, and the words she wanted to say would not formulate. So she leaned in and kissed him instead. Her meaning pouring out of

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