Broken Promises

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Book: Broken Promises by Terri Reid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Reid
Tags: General Fiction Speculative Fiction Suspense
the wee hours of the morning making the muffins.”
    Bradley’s eyes widened. “Mary made these?” he asked. “Why didn’t she say something?”
    “I’m guessing because the person she made them for immediately assumed someone else made them,” Ian pointed out.
    “I’m an idiot.”
    Ian nodded. “Aye, you are. But even an idiot has a chance at redemption.”
    Bradley put the half-eaten muffin on the table and walked into the front room where Mary sat on a chair across from Stanley and Rosie. He knelt down in front of her.
    “You made the muffins,” he said.
    She shrugged and nodded, turning her head away and not meeting his eyes. “No big deal,” she muttered.
    “Stand up,” he said, as he stood up too.
    She looked up at him. “What?”
    “Stand up,” he repeated.
    Shaking her head in confusion, she slowly stood up in front of him. “What?”
    Moving quickly, he lifted Mary into his arms and started walking towards the door.
    “What are you doing?” Mary cried, half-heartedly pushing at his shoulders.
    “Grab your coat and your purse, Mary, I’m taking you to Vegas today,” he said. “I could barely wait until June to marry you when you were just the love of my life, but now that I know how well you can bake. Well, I know your parents will be disappointed, but there is no putting this off.”
    She giggled. “You big goof, we are not going to Vegas today.”
    Rosie laughed. “You just have to be back before Friday for our wedding,” she called.
    “And you probably won’t be finding a bridal suite that includes a kitchen,” Ian said. “You’re better off staying here.”
    “Please Mary,” Bradley grinned down at her, placed a kiss on her lips and whispered. “That was even better than the muffins. And the muffins were amazing.”
    She shook her head and smiled at him. “You’re forgiven for thinking Rosie made the muffins,” she said, bringing his face down to hers for another kiss.
    He deepened the kiss for a moment and then placed his forehead against hers. “I love you, Mary O’Reilly,” he whispered.
    “I love you back,” she said.
    Mary’s cell phone rang and Ian handed it to her. Her eyes still brimming with laughter and love, she answered it. “Good morning,” she called into the phone. “Hi, Sean. Did you get the information I sent you about Henry Madison? Yeah, we’re pretty sure he was another one of Gary Copper’s victims.”
    Then the laughter left her face. “Oh, of course, I’ll tell him. Yes, we’ll be there. First thing in the morning. Yes, I know the place. Thanks, Sean. Love you too. Bye.”
    Bradley slowly put her down on the floor. “What is it?” he asked.
    “They are going to arraign Gary Copper tomorrow and Sean wants us all to be there,” she said.
    Rosie hurried across the room and put her arms around Mary. “Are you ready to see him again?” she asked. “You have only just started to not react…”
    Nodding, Mary returned the hug. “I’ll be fine,” she said. “I have to be fine. There’s no way that man in going to walk free again.”
    Ian tossed Bradley another muffin. “Well, then, let’s have a sit down and discuss our plans,” he said. “Bradley did you get Henry’s information?”
    Bradley nodded. “I’ve sent a request for a copy of his autopsy,” he said. “I’ll get it later this week.”
    “Who’s Henry?” Stanley asked.
    “The man who was raising my daughter,” Bradley explained. “We think Gary Copper killed him too.”
    “Oh, my dear, Bradley, that’s horrible,” Rosie said. “What can we do to help?”
    “Wait, what about your ghosts?” Mary asked.
    “Oh, well perhaps it was a one-time thing,” Rosie said. “Nothing to get worried about.”
    Stanley nodded, “Yeah, I probably imagined it. We got more important things to do.”
    “Are you sure?” Ian asked.
    “If I get another visitor, you’ll be the first to know,” Rosie assured him.
    “Okay, well we do have a lot of catching up to do,”

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