Broken Glass

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Book: Broken Glass by Arthur Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arthur Miller
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looking for me.
HYMAN: Who are they?
SYLVIA: They’re Germans.
HYMAN: Sounds like those photographs in the papers.
SYLVIA, discovering it now: I think so, yes!
HYMAN: Does something happen?
SYLVIA: Well, I begin to run away. And the whole crowd is chasing after me. They have heavy shoes that pound on the pavement. Then just as I’m escaping around a corner a man catches me and pushes me down ... Breaks off.
HYMAN: Is that the end of it?
SYLVIA: No. He gets on top of me, and begins kissing me ... Breaks off.
    SYLVIA: ... And then he starts to cut off my breasts. And he raises himself up, and for a second I see the side of his face.
HYMAN: Who is it?
SYLVIA: ... I don’t know.
HYMAN: But you saw his face.
SYLVIA: I think it’s Phillip. Pause. But how could Phillip be like... he was almost like one of the others?
HYMAN: I don’t know. Why do you think?
SYLVIA: Would it be possible... because Phillip... I mean ... A little laugh ... he sounds sometimes like he doesn’t like Jews? Correcting. Of course he doesn’t mean it, but maybe in my mind it’s like he’s ... Breaks off.
HYMAN : Like he’s what. What’s frightening you? Sylvia is silent, turns away. Sylvia?
Hyman tries to turn her face towards him, but she resists.
Not Phillip, is it?
Sylvia turns to him, the answer is in her eyes.
I see.
    He moves from the bed and halts, trying to weigh this added complication. Returning to the bedside, sits, takes her hand.
I want to ask you a question.
She draws him to her and kisses him on the mouth.
SYLVIA: I can’t help it.
She bursts into tears.
HYMAN: Oh God, Sylvia, I’m so sorry ...
SYLVIA: Help me. Please!
HYMAN: I’m trying to.
SYLVIA: I know!
She weeps even more deeply. With a cry filled with her pain she embraces him desperately.
HYMAN: Oh Sylvia, Sylvia....
SYLVIA: I feel so foolish.
HYMAN: No-no. You’re unhappy, not foolish.
SYLVIA: I feel like I’m losing everything, I’m being torn to pieces. What do you want to know, I’ll tell you!
    She cries into her hands. He moves, trying to make a decision...
I trust you. What do you want to ask me?
HYMAN:—Since this happened to you, have you and Phillip had relations?
SYLVIA, open surprise: Relations?
HYMAN: He said you did the other night.
SYLVIA: We had relations the other night?
HYMAN: But that... well he said that by morning you’d forgotten. Is that true?
She is motionless, looking past him with immense uncertainty.
SYLVIA, alarmed sense of rejection: Why are you asking me that?
HYMAN: I didn’t know what to make of it.... I guess I still don’t.
SYLVIA, deeply embarrassed: You mean you believe him?
HYMAN: Well ... I didn’t know what to believe.
SYLVIA: You must think I’m crazy, -to forget such a thing.
    HYMAN: Oh God no!—I didn’t mean anything like that...
SYLVIA: We haven’t had relations for almost twenty years.
The shock pitches him into silence. Now he doesn’t know what or whom to believe.
HYMAN: Twenty... ? Breaks off.
S Y LVIA: Just after Jerome was born.
HYMAN: I just... I don’t know what to say, Sylvia.
SYLVIA: You never heard of it before with people?
HYMAN: Yes, but not when they’re as young as you.
SYLVIA: You might be surprised.
HYMAN: What was it, another woman, or what?
SYLVIA: Oh no.
HYMAN: Then what happened?
SYLVIA: I don’t know, I never understood it. He just couldn’t anymore.
She tries to read his reaction; he doesn’t face her directly.
    You believe me, don’t you?
HYMAN : Of course I do. But why would he invent a story like

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