Broken #2 (The Broken Series - Book #2)

Read Online Broken #2 (The Broken Series - Book #2) by Claire Adams - Free Book Online

Book: Broken #2 (The Broken Series - Book #2) by Claire Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Adams
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God, girl, you have to let me see that back fist.”
grinned. “Yes, I'm sure you want to see it. It looks incredible, if that helps.
I'll make sure to get you a copy.”
really cool, Natalie. You are really cool.”
believed him when he said it. “Thank you, Jet. Would you like another glass of
Now why is it that you think I need to loosen up for this session?”
smiled. “You'll see.” I got up, and poured us both some wine. I handed him his
glass, and started to set up my easel. He took the hint, and picked up his
glass of wine, and headed to the wall.
so what's it going to be this time? Should I bend over and hold my butt in the
No that's not what I want.”
what is it this time?”
looked down at my pad of paper, and picked up a pencil. “I want you to take
your shirt off, Jet. That's the change I need for this session. Everything else
stays the same.”
stared at me for a few minutes. “Are you serious?”
continued to stare, until a look of realization came over his face. “Am I going
to be taking off more every time we do this?”
laughed nervously. “Yes, you will be. Is that okay?”
    He raised
his eyebrows. “I'm surprised that you are okay with that.”
will deal with it. I am determined to have a really good project.”
    “At all costs.”
giggled. “Yes, that's right.”
slowly pulled his shirt over his head, and tossed it to the side of the room.
His chest was firm and strong. He had a six-pack that most people would kill
for. I had a hard time drawing my eyes away from his body, but I did have work
to do.
me one thing, Natalie, please.”
looked up at him when he spoke. “What's that?”
me that I won't have to be fully naked for any of these drawings.”
paused before I spoke. “I promise.” I had a hand behind my back, and what Jet
didn't know, was that two of my delicate fingers were crossed. We would cross
that bridge when we got there.
have a really nice body, Jet. You must work really hard at maintaining it.”
you checking me out?”
grinned. “Maybe a little.”
I do actually spend quite a bit of time on it. But it's all part of the game,
ya know. You have a pretty nice body yourself, if I remember correctly.” I
looked up to catch the wink he threw my way, and I blushed excessively.
started the drawing the same way I had done the last one, by starting with a
vague outline that I would fill in with detail later on. He stood there without
moving for half an hour before we took a break, but by then I had most of the
drawing completed. I just needed to add the shading and the final details.
sat on the couch together, and I realized just how comfortable I was in his
presence. I was no longer freaked out at the idea of being in the same room with
him. Despite the obvious attraction he felt for me, he was on his best
behavior. He swirled the wine in his glass before he looked up at me.
what do you plan on doing with all this afterwards, Natalie? What career are
you looking for?”
haven't decided yet. Before my program is finished, I will have to decide on
which part of my art experience here I loved the most. At that point, I will specialize
in that for a year straight, and then I graduate. I hope by then I can afford
to freelance, and sell my work in galleries, but of course, that remains to be
you know which one you are going to choose?”
have no idea. There is really something great about all of them. Writing will
have to go by the wayside, I think. I just don't have a natural talent for it.
But as for the rest, I can't decide yet. I will play out the rest of the year,
and then make a decision for my final year.”
so interesting. The idea of you being out there; you could be famous one day.”
could you,” I shot back.
nodded chuckling. “Yeah, I

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