Broken #2 (The Broken Series - Book #2)

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Book: Broken #2 (The Broken Series - Book #2) by Claire Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Adams
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guess that's true.”
would you do, Jet, if you got injured? What then?”
that's where I would have to say I have no idea. I've never even considered
doing anything else. This was always all I wanted. I couldn't even imagine
doing a regular job. I know it sounds juvenile but I can't. I would probably
have to go work at my father's company, which is actually the last thing I want
to do, but it would be a guaranteed career, where I would one day own the
company,” he shrugged, and I could tell that the idea of giving up his dream
caused him sadness. I hoped he would never have to do such a thing. Seeing him
fight the other day had made me realize that it could be very easy for a
fighter to get badly injured―enough to end his career. The thought of it
scared me, not for myself, but for him.
was his turn to change the subject, and get us back on track. “Well, let's get
back to it okay?” He stood up, and headed back to his position, and I could
tell I hit a nerve with my comment. I wondered if he would ever feel
comfortable talking to me about his dad. That, however, was probably too much
to ask, since I didn't really want him in my life long-term anyway. It was best
to have him keep his personal life to himself. I did not want to feel anything
for him.
rose from the couch myself, and headed back to the drawing to finish what I had
    Chapter Ten

the moment you all have been waiting for! Come on out Jet!” It wasn't just
their moment, it was mine, too. It was the moment I had been waiting for, as
well. It was the time when adrenaline started pumping overtime. I felt jacked,
and ready to kick some ass, and you better believe that I planned on it.
was beside me. “Okay, Jet, are you ready to go?”
nodded. I was more than ready.
crowd, as usual, was losing its mind, screaming at me as I came down the aisle
toward the cage. They called out my name in a fury, and it was obvious that I had
some very loyal fans. I rushed into the cage, and circled it, awaiting my
opponent’s arrival. I saw my team going into my corner just as my opponent came
out of the curtain, and headed my way.
joined me in the cage, and we positioned ourselves in our respective corners,
and waited for the bell to ring.
the ring of the bell, Bradley charged me. My head flew to the side from the
impact of his punch. Blood spurted from my lips, and I took a step back to
reset my position. I didn't step back far enough, however, as Bradley pummelled
me with three blows at once, all to my face.
    He swung
again, but I blocked, and we exchanged jabs for a few minutes before the bell rang,
and we returned to our corners. Robbie applied something to my wounds, and gave
me a drink of water, all the while yelling at me.
get your head in the game, man. There is no reason for you to be taking any
hits. We have prepared for this over and over again. Now get out there, and
ring that guy’s bell.”
was nodding my head. It was about all I could do. I looked angrier than ever,
and I was determined to do my coach proud. The bell went off, and we went at
each other with kicks flying, and punches slamming. I feinted to the side, and
Bradley punched into the space where I had been. It was the perfect opportunity
for me to come in with an uppercut to the face that connected so hard that
Bradley staggered backwards. It took him a moment to recover his footing. He
swung out his arm, but I ducked, and came back with a punch to the ribs, gut
and face, all landing perfectly.
got the guy, but I also didn't expect him to stay put, and swing a punch to my
body, landing near my liver. I thought for a moment that I would throw up. I
moved to the left, only to get another body shot, and I felt something twist in
my back.
threw another punch, aiming for my face, but I blocked the punch, returning
with a punch of my own. I slammed my fist right into Bradley’s face, bringing

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