Brett's Little Headaches

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Book: Brett's Little Headaches by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
really much more you can do with it. Now with them, I can think of a million things I can do with my bank account.
    I held her hand as we drove while we both took turns answering the boys’ questions and there were a lot.
    She was tense for the first twenty minutes or so until she relaxed and just enjoyed the view out the window.
    When we came to the first place I actually grew nervous, what if she didn’t like any of the ones I chose?
    I kept up a running conversation, just pointing out the houses as we drove by, slowing down enough for her to get a good look.
    It was the third one that caught her attention. I knew it by the way she craned her neck to get a better look and the way her pulse jumped in her wrist.
    I pretended to be enjoying the architecture, while I asked her about the color of the stone and the grounds that consisted of a massive lawn with a garden that could barely be made out from the street.
    I was pleased that she seemed reluctant to leave the area, but if I hung around there much longer I was afraid she’d figure me out and that might sour her on the idea.
    I already knew exactly what I was going to do, how I was going to work it. It had taken me only one day to figure her out. Thank fuck she didn’t have any hidden pockets; I’ve dealt with enough of that shit to last me a lifetime.

Chapter EIGHT
    The beach wasn’t crowded as yet and I found a nice spot for us to spread the blanket that we’d brought. The boys were and handful from the time their little feet touched sand, and their only interest, was in the water.
    Between the two of us they kept us hopping and I have to admit I was ass tired within an hour maybe. “How do you do it?” the little rascals were having a snack and chattering away at each other, which they do a lot of I noticed.
    I’ll have to keep an eye on that as they get older, who knows what the fuck they might be getting up to with that secret code shit they seem to be speaking.
    Laurie says it’s just baby talk, but I’m not too sure. I was a boy once, with brothers. Speaking of which, I need to call and rub it in that I beat them in the grandbaby race.
    Since they’re older they’ve beaten me at pretty much everything else, but this was a biggie.
    “You have to prioritize. In the beginning, especially when they first started walking, it was rough. I jumped each time one of them moved. I was always afraid they would fall and hurt themselves.
    I was constantly moving, never a dull moment. But then I got the hang of it and stopped being afraid, now I just watch and let them play with my heart in my throat. I guess it’s always going to be that way as a mom. Do you have kids?”
    She asked the last as if she thought she was overstepping. Hah, she can ask me anything, in fact I want her to.
    “No, no kids, speaking of which, where’s their dad?” The word damn near burnt a hole in my tongue.
    “He’s gone.” She shifted sand through her fingers and gazed off over the water. “He’s never even met them, but I don’t blame him, not anymore. We were young, well I was two years younger, but he was still a kid himself.”
    “But do you think he’ll come back one day, want to have a part in their lives?”
    “I don’t see how, he’s never been here for them. I think I would be pissed if he showed up at some later date after all the ground work has been done you know.”
    “Yeah I hear you, so there’s no way you’d go back to him?”
    “Are you nuts? I wouldn’t do that to my boys. As young as he was, I was younger; I stuck it out, he could’ve too. No, the boys don’t need that kind of influence in their lives.”
    “What if he came back seeking custody at some later date?”
    “I’ll fight him to the death before I’d ever let that happen. No judge in their right mind would ever do that after what he’s done.”
    You might be surprised. I didn’t say that out loud, but the reality was that the justice system could be fucked sometimes

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