Braless in Wonderland

Read Online Braless in Wonderland by Debbie Reed Fischer - Free Book Online

Book: Braless in Wonderland by Debbie Reed Fischer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Reed Fischer
were stacked with tanks, sweats, belts, purses, and lots of hair clips and bandannas and things that sparkled.
    This place was bursting at the seams with clothes. A lump of fear was forming inside my stomach. I was so apparel-challenged. I didn’t have a fraction of what these girls had. They’d probably laugh at my measly wardrobe. Everything they had looked expensive and designer-ish. My sister dropped designer names constantly, but like most people in Comet, I didn’t know a Gucci from a Pucci. Maybe she could help me out and lend me some of her clothes, if she ever spoke to me again.
    I opened the fridge. Not much there, just a few Tupperware containers, some coffee creamer, apples, Diet Cokes, bottled water, and two plastic jugs with Kool-Aid-looking drinks. “What’s the difference between the green juice and the red juice?”
    â€œAbout two weeks, probably, knowing these slobs.”
    A toilet flushed. The door at the end of the living room near the bunk beds opened. Someone wearing sweatpants, a hooded sweatshirt that said NEW JERSEY CHARM SCHOOL , and an eye mask came out. Whoever it was looked like the Unabomber.
    Miguel clutched his chest and went, “ Coño, Brynn, what are you wearing sweats for? This is Miami. It’s eighty degrees outside.”
    Brynn lifted her eye mask up. “I wouldn’t have to if the damn Russians didn’t keep the AC so friggin’ cold it’s like Siberia in here. I’m freezing my ass off.” She had one of those hoarse, gravelly voices. She yawned and stretched as she walked up to us. “What time is it?”
    Miguel was gathering up cups. “Twelve-thirty. Listen, Brynn, get a garbage bag. You guys have to help me clean up. Irina! Vlada! This girl’s parents will be here in a few minutes. I think Momma’s coming too.” He turned to me. “That’s the real reason Momma sent us here before your parents. She didn’t want you to see all this mierda either, but whatev, you were with me.”
    Brynn pulled off her eye mask and flipped her hood down, checking me out. I’d been checked out more times today than I’d ever been checked out in my whole life. Her olive skin and light brown eyes reminded me of my own. “Who the hell are you?” she asked.
    â€œI’m, uh, Allee.”
    â€œYou both have similar coloring, you know,” said Miguel, sweeping up the kitchen. “That’s funny. They usually don’t like to have too many with the same look on one board. Although maybe it’s because you’re younger, Allee. You two might not get sent out for the same jobs.”
    â€œMight not,” Brynn said. “But if we do…” She stepped closer to me so we were face-to-face. “Let the games begin.”

chapter 7
    I went home, packed up, and was flying down I-95 in my Beetle convertible just two days later. Okay, well, maybe not flying. I was only going sixty-five. I obeyed the speed limit signs. But it was still fast enough for my hair to be flapping behind me like a crazy flag and fast enough so that I couldn’t see my parents’ SUV following me in my rearview mirror anymore (they’d insisted on going down, too, to get me settled in). My top was down, my radio was blasting, and I was blissed out and feeling free as I headed back to South Beach.
    Even my car was feeling the excitement. Seriously. Have you ever really looked at a Volkswagen Beetle? They have faces. I’d have sworn my car was smiling. I wasn’t too sure what it was smiling about, though, since the red paint was scratched in places and there was a rip in the black upholstery. It was really a used piece of junk, if you want to know the truth. But it was cool, all mine, and it got me out of Comet, so I’d always love it for that.
    I did have some fears fluttering around in my belly, though. Brynn had freaked me out. She scared me. But the instant she said Let the

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