Boy Trouble

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Book: Boy Trouble by Reshonda Tate Billingsley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reshonda Tate Billingsley
    â€œI called the number that I found listed for you,” I replied.
    â€œWell, I don’t live there.”
    â€œOkay, whatever. I found you now.” To be honest, I didn’t want to put the girl out there like that, which was why I hadn’t told any of the producers about the video. I knew the minute Dexter saw it, he’d want to run it. And as much as I couldn’t stand Mynique, I didn’t want the world to see her getting beat like that. So, I was hoping she’d give me something, anything that would be enough to get Tamara off my back.
    â€œYou don’t need to be looking for me at all,” Mynique said. “I don’t have anything to say to you.”
    â€œI called because I was trying to help you out.” I didn’t usually call people we were about to run a story on. We weren’t the news, which needed to be objective and get the other side. So she needed to be thankful I was even trying to get her side.
    â€œWhat part of ‘I don’t need your help’ do you not get?” Mynique asked.
    I pulled out one of the curls that Tangie had made too tight. “Look, let’s be real. We’re not exactly friends,” I said, leaning back in my chair.
    â€œI wonder why? Let’s see, number one, because you’re a little girl and I’m a woman. Number two, you’re a nosey, gossiping b—”
    â€œMy point is,” I interrupted her, not bothering to tell her she may have been older but I was more woman than she would ever be, “regardless, if I see someone in an abusive relationship, then I’m gonna say something.”
    â€œYou don’t know anything about me!” Mynique said. It was strange. Her voice alternated between having an attitude and trembling, like she was scared but trying to act hard. “You’re just jealous because I got a good man on my arm,” she continued. “You and your nosey behind is gonna mess up the good thing I got going for me. I have all kinds of doors opening up for me now and I don’t need you causing problems.”
    â€œOh, is that why you’re staying with him now, because you have doors opening up?” I asked. That didn’t surprise me. That kind of thing happened all the time in the entertainment industry. But it surprised me that Mynique wanted fame that bad that she’d let herself get beat up.
    â€œDon’t you worry about why I’m staying with him. Worry about your own love life, or lack of a love life,” she added. “Since rumor has it J. Love is back with his baby mama.” I know she was trying to rile me up, and while that comment stung (I didn’t even know if it was true or not), I refused to let her get to me.
    â€œYeah, I would rather be single than be with a guy who beats the crap out of me. Believe that,” I replied. I needed to refocus, so I took a deep breath before I continued. “Anyway, I’m doing a story on Rumor Central on you and Demond, and I was just seeing if you wanted to make a statement, maybe give some advice to other women going through the same thing.”
    â€œYeah, my advice is for everyone to get out of my business,” Mynique said. “That’s the advice I’m giving.” Then, it actually sounded like her voice was cracking. “Why are you doing a freaking story on me anyway?”
    â€œI thought you liked publicity. Didn’t you come over to me at the club and give me the scoop on you and your boo so I could talk about you on my show? Well, I’m about to be talking about you on my show.”
    â€œMaya, don’t play with me. I’m sick of you and your self-righteous attitude!” she screamed again, before lowering her voice. “What you fail to understand is that everybody can’t fall back on Daddy’s money. Some of us have to make it the best way we can.”
    â€œSo, that is really what this is all about? You’re

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