Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4

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Book: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 by Becca Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
Tags: bondage;BDSM;submissive;Dom;sub;club;erotic romance;kink;gags
anything. And that was what bothered her. She should be more leery of Carlton’s intentions. She should be concerned about his level of dominance. She should be a lot of things. She knew this because society deemed it so.
    She smirked. Fuck society . Then she smiled. She really had to curb her four-letter thoughts. If they started leaking out of her mouth, she’d find herself unable to sit for a month.
    None , she typed in response.
    You had me worried for a second .
    No worries, Sir .
    Margaret set the phone down on the table and wandered back to the living room. She didn’t have the energy for her mother right then. She would read that message later. It made her stomach clench to combine thoughts of her mother with thoughts of Carlton. The two were like oil and water. And she had no intention of mixing them. It was her parents’ own fault. Their unwillingness to accept Margaret for who she was dampened their relationship.
    Twelve years she’d lived in a vacuum, avoiding anything that reminded her of the fateful night that irrevocably changed her life forever. She’d lived a good enough life since then, finished high school, went to college, entered polite society—finally detaching herself from the parental strings.
    And still, every time her mother or father called or texted, she was reminded all over again. Mostly she avoided them. Occasionally she faced them long enough to keep the peace. But everything between them was stiff and fake.
    Of course, if she really analyzed the situation, she knew their relationship had been awkward even before the events of that horrific night.
    Her parents had always been fundamentalist Christians, a life she had never fit into. Her father, the domineering patriarch, ruled the home and demanded that everyone under his roof submit to his whims.
    When the man found out his daughter was an abomination to the world, catching her in a compromising position with her best friend, Leslie, he’d gone ballistic. She’d heard everything in the book about how she chose her lifestyle and how the church would cure her of her sins if she just gave it a chance.
    And hell, to this day her parents only knew the half of it. They thought she had chosen to be a lesbian to spite them. Imagine if they knew she was actually bisexual and a submissive? Well, forget submissive. Her mother was a domestic submissive if she stopped to think about it. Margaret knew the woman would argue otherwise, but it was all semantics as far as Margaret was concerned.
    Justine Donovan had lived under the rule of her husband as though he were her Master for her entire adult life. She just didn’t realize it in so many words. Even though it wasn’t a sexual submission, as far as Margaret knew, didn’t make her mother any less of a sub.
    Ironic, considering her parents would die if they knew the level of submission Margaret had practiced and the new level she was about to embark on. What made Margaret’s sexual submission so taboo?
    She’d learned to accept who she was. She worried more lately that her submissive tendencies were a result of her domineering father and doubted the legitimacy of her choice, but in spite of or because of her dad, she was still undeniably submissive and preferred to turn herself over to another person after a long day to get the relief she craved.
    Legitimate or otherwise, she needed this experience with Carlton on so many levels. She needed to know what it was like to be with a man, and a firm Dom. She’d never met another human being she could have considered turning herself over to as she would Carlton.
    After all, she was safe with him. It was a trial of sorts. How could she go wrong? Besides getting to know herself a little better in the process, she would also have the luxury of finally knowing what it felt like to have a man inside her, someone she trusted and respected. Someone who would do right by her.
    Even if he didn’t know quite what he was up against. He never needed to know

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