Bound by Legend: A Bound Novel
scratches. Thank the Higher Powers for layers of clothing. Those talons would have cut to the bone otherwise.
    A low whine drew her gaze to the window where Lucy still sat where she’d been told. “Come here, sweetie.”
    The Rottweiler raced across the large room to her side, whining and licking her face. “I know, those things are nasty aren’t they?”
    She ran her hands over Lucy, her heart rate slowing from the simple interaction.
    When the back of her head stopped bleeding, she tossed the shirt away. As much as she hated to lose it, there was no way to wash it. There was blood on her coat too; maybe she could get it out with water from a water fountain. Her sweatshirt too was ruined. Shit, she couldn’t afford to lose the clothing. Sighing in resignation, she tossed the sweatshirt away as well. Although the weather had warmed, it was relative in Denver. The nights were still freezing cold.
    If Lucian hadn’t swept into her day and caused a major distraction, it would never have happened. She could always sense where demons were and usually did a good job of avoiding them when she could and picking her battles when she couldn’t.
    The loss of Arabrim had caused a similar distraction. In her devastation, she’d been unable to focus on her internal demon radar and she’d nearly died trying to stay away from them. She’d learned then it wasn’t possible to return to a place after they found her.
    Morgan climbed to her feet and shrugged into her coat again then walked over to retrieve the backpack and umbrella. She couldn’t stay at the tower anymore.
    The ground level was surprisingly empty when she reached it. Most likely everyone had left when the rain slackened. Either that or they had fled from the sounds of demons being banished, though most humans couldn’t hear it.
    She opened the umbrella and stepped into the rain. The quiet patter of it on the fabric above her head soothed the remaining adrenaline from her system. After crossing the street, she headed for the park. It was as good a place as any until she could decide where to go next. Pulling a cigarette from the pack, she paused to light it and then continued on.
    Lucian watched her leave as his heart slowly calmed. He’d desperately wanted to help her when the demons attacked. When one had landed on her, he’d nearly jumped in, but she’d handled it. Morgan was right; she could take care of herself. At least until she came up against a stronger upper-level demon. And when that happened, he would be there, whether she liked it or not.


    MORGAN TREAD QUIETLY down the alley, Lucy trailing behind her. Their breath came in clouds in the icy air. Though the past several days had been warm, a front had moved in with the setting sun and dropped the night time temperatures low enough to create the patches of ice she slipped on occasionally.
    It was nights like this she really missed her sweatshirt and second t-shirt. They might not have been much but they had still made a difference. In the back of her mind, a little voice whispered that all of the warmth she wanted was only a phone call away. Morgan stomped ruthlessly on the voice. She’d made sure to use the solar charger to keep the battery full, even if she had no intention of ever actually using the phone.
    A movement between her and the end of the alley made her pause. Straining to hear in the quiet of early morning hours, she remained frozen. A dog’s bark echoed through the night. The crash of a trashcan somewhere. The loud bass of a passing car on the street. A siren wailed in the distance. The figure up ahead seemed as still as she was.
    Morgan took a few, slow steps forward. The figure shifted as if it meant to leave the alley then stopped. She followed suit. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on her senses. Not a demon at least. Creeping down the alley again, she moved to the side opposite the figure.
    She reached the end where the street lamp cast its light at the same time her intuition

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