Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure)

Read Online Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure) by Lea Barrymire - Free Book Online

Book: Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure) by Lea Barrymire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Barrymire
Tags: Romance
something you will use my name. For example. Please, Master Sabar, let me kiss you.” He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face at the almost hidden indignation that flashed in her eyes at his example. “Now, you say that so we can practice.”
    She hesitated, and he pinched her ass again to spur her on. She tried to hide the shiver that went through her body, but he felt it clear to his spine. Apprehension or desire, he wasn’t sure, but he would find out.
    “Please, Master Sabar, let me kiss you.” Her words carried a hint of fear, but her eyes had locked on his lips. She was so sweet in her denial of what she wanted. Perhaps she didn’t even know she wanted it. From what little he saw of her last night, she was innocent of the greater responses of a female to a male. Maybe she was innocent of the lesser intimacies as well.
    He leaned into her shoulder slowly, closing the distance between their faces. Her eyes widened and then closed. A breathy sigh left her lips and brushed across his cheek. He waited, watching her, feeling her tense as the moments ticked by. Finally she opened her eyes. She didn’t voice the question, but he could see it in her face.
    “You asked me if you could kiss me. I have neither given you the approval to do so, nor told you that I would kiss you instead.” He smiled at the glint of frustration in her eyes. “Rella, if you ask me for something, I promise I will agree or disagree quickly, but you must learn to wait for my decision. Now, ask me again, and this time wait for the answer.”
    She was quicker to get the words out this time, less timid. It pleased him greatly that she wanted to kiss him and was angry that he hadn’t done so already. She was proving to be exactly what he wanted in a mate. If he could just keep this progress going instead of pushing her back into her concerned cocoon, he’d be doing well.
    “Master Sabar, please let me kiss you.”
    “Oh, that was beautiful. Yes, you may kiss me.”
    * * * *
    Kiss him? Rella had no idea how to kiss a male. Sure, she’d kissed her father on the cheek each day when he left for work. That didn’t count as kissing. She knew what type of kiss Sabar was talking about. He wanted lips on lips, moving against each other. The picture in her head made her belly warm and she squirmed slightly on his lap.
    She’d dreamt of what it must feel like many nights after catching Lena being kissed by her mate. Her sister had been visiting their father with her mate and they’d taken a walk to the back garden. Rella followed them and hid behind the shed while Porat ravaged her sister. Lena seemed to love it, at least if you took all her moaning and pleading as liking something.
    Before she could lose her nerve she leaned forward and pressed her lips lightly to his. After a moment she leaned back, slightly disappointed that it hadn’t felt any different than kissing her father’s cheek. She looked into his eyes and found them crinkled at the corners. He was laughing at her. A surge of insecurity swept through her. Perhaps she couldn’t kiss well enough to make him happy. Maybe she was truly defective. Her body was not built to suit a male, so perhaps her lips didn’t work right either. He surely wasn’t looking at her like Porat had looked at her sister after their kiss.
    “Stop. Rella, I’m not laughing at you. Your lips are very soft and felt lovely pressed against mine. Now, before you distract me, I have questions to ask. Remember the rules. If you answer immediately, with the truth, you will be rewarded. Are you ready?”
    She nodded her head. Yes, she remembered. She was still confused by his remarks about her lips. He thought they felt lovely, yet he didn’t respond by kissing her back. Maybe kissing wasn’t as wonderful as she thought it would be. With a mental shrug, she peered at Sabar, awaiting his first question. She hoped it was something simple.
    “What is your favorite color?”
    Her favorite color?

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