Bought: A Billionaire Romance

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Book: Bought: A Billionaire Romance by Sadie Keynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadie Keynes
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Clara as I stride confidently between the towering buildings of downtown. I could have used another shower after the evening I had with her. Preferably a cold one.
    I pull out my phone and start typing a message to her before I wonder if it’s wrong that I got her phone number from her HR file. I can’t explain why but I just feel the need to let her know I’m thinking about her.
    Kyan, you are a walking lawsuit waiting to happen .
    I know I should keep my distance, but damn if that meal I had with her wasn’t the best date I’ve been on in years. AND IT WASN’T EVEN A DATE!
    She probably thinks I’m a complete douchebag, but even that is better than the parade of sycophantic gold diggers that have been drooling 1 over me pretty much ever since my bank balance hit one million.
    You’re losing your cool, Kyan , screams a voice in the back of my mind.
    To hell with it. I hit send.

Chapter 17
    I haven’t seen Kyan all morning. Perhaps he’s embarrassed about yesterday and he’s avoiding me or maybe he’s just got a lot of meetings. Either way, I’m kind of relieved that I haven’t seen him. It’s irrational, but I’m kind of worried he’ll somehow know what I imagined him doing to me last night.
    I’m nearly done sorting through all the paperwork from Greene Earth when there’s a knock on the door of the small room I’ve been using.
    “Come in,” I say.
    Mira’s round and cheerful face appears a moment later.
    “You’ve been shut up in here all day. Thought I’d bring you a coffee.”
    She places the coffee on the table and takes a seat opposite me.
    “Kyan wanted me to ask you if you’re free for a meeting later on, say 4pm?”
    “Sure,” I say. I wonder why he didn’t come and ask me himself. He’s a busy man I guess, he can’t spend his time chasing his employees around the building.
    “Do you think you’ll have the report done by then?” asks Mira.
    “I should do.”
    “No rush. He wanted me to make that clear. Just— if you do manage to finish it—he wants you to bring it to the meeting.”
    “No problem,” I reply.
    Mira fidgets slightly in her chair slightly. She seems anxious like there’s something she wants to talk about.
    “So Kyan said you and him went for dinner last night?”
    I smile and nod. Of course, I should have known Mira would want to know all the gossip, just like she looked at my résumé before I started here. I wonder if Kyan really told her, or if she just tracks where he is at all times like an overbearing mother.
    “We did. The diner a couple of streets over. It was nice.”
    “That’s good. I’m glad the two of you are getting along better,” says Mira.
    “What makes you think we weren’t getting along?”
    “It just seemed like Kyan had annoyed you a bit with the whole taking you from Greene Earth thing.”
    “I think I’m over that now. Mostly,” I reply honestly.
    “I said a lot of stuff yesterday about him having a good heart and, well, he does but now with the two of you going out for meals and all…I just…well, what do you think of him, honestly?”
    Mira is acting a bit strangely but there’s something about her grandmotherly nature that just inspires honesty. I feel like I can talk openly with her even though I’ve known her a short while.
    “He seems like a…complicated guy. But, for what it’s worth, my opinion of him has improved dramatically. I thought he was a complete jerk when I first met him. Now I only think he’s a bit of a jerk.”
    Mira smiles and my assessment.
    “Good and that’s probably the best attitude to have. I like you, Clara, and I see a lot of girls when they meet Kyan are all doe-eyed and eager to impress him and in the end they get their hearts broken. You don’t seem like that, though. It seems like you’ve got a pretty good handle on him.”
    “Oh, well, there’s nothing romantic going on between us,” I reply.
    I realize I must sound pretty defensive. What is it with people? You go out

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