Boston Boys [01] - A Life Without You
how disgusted Jesse must be feeling with me getting off on him, but when I look at his face he just looks back with parted lips and what looks like lust of his own.
    My mind is reeling and body trembling when we get pushed together yet again. I’m hot and horny for Jesse and I hold my breath when I feel his cock hard in his thin sports pants.
    He clears his throat. “We should go.”
    I nod and keep a tight hold on his waist as he navigates us past the people towards our room. The two doors closest to it are closed, and thereby not party-accessible, so the crowd thins out before we get there. I move my hands to Jesse’s hips, but I don’t let go even when he fishes out his keys, unlocks the door and enters the room.
    My sigh of relief comes out as a needy moan when the door shuts and blocks out most of the noise. It takes me a while to realize that my fingers are digging into his hips and I’m breathing down his neck from behind. Jesse’s seems to be struggling for air just as much as I am.
    His warmth, his smell, his presence make my whole existence spin. My cock pulses and throbs and oozes precome into my briefs. I swallow hard and head for the bathroom for the second time today. I yank my buttons loose as soon as I cross the threshold and pull my cock into upright position, its head peeking up from the waistband.
    “Adam, wait.” Jesse calls and intercepts the closing door.
    Although I’m dying for a release I let him enter if only for a few seconds to spew out yet another unnecessary apology.
    I bite my lower lip as I gaze at his gorgeous mouth. His lips curve and flex as he tries to speak, but the farther down his gaze travels the less he tries to talk. His large tawny eyes rest on the head of my cock in a transfixed stare. The grip around his beer 50 Erica Pike
    cup tightens as he swallows hard.
    “Adam,” he murmurs.
    He whimpers when I grab his wrist. His eyes go wide when I push him against the wall. I’m not thinking clearly. I’m not thinking at all. I’m acting on pure primal instinct.
    “Adam –”
    I press my body against his and cover his mouth with mine with a deep, lustful groan. My arm curls around his waist, and the other keeps his head still so that he can’t break free. He doesn’t even try to. His free arm is around my waist as well and he accepts my kisses and even opens his mouth for my tongue. I moan into his mouth when his tongue finds mine and we stand there, locked in a kiss, bodies pressed, hands grasping, tongues licking in a synchronized rhythm. Jesse’s cock is hard against my thigh, but I don’t move my hands to find it. Instead I force my foot between his and grind my crotch while my lips and tongue crush his.
    When he breaks free with panting breaths I still have little control over what I’m doing. I kiss and lick his neck with a groan, I pull him closer and bite on his earlobe.
    “Jesse,” I breathe and lick his ear, causing him to gasp.
    My tongue runs from the base of his throat up to his jaw where I plant passionate kisses before I plunge into his mouth again. I pull away only to yank his t-shirt over his head and then I run my hands all over his soft skin.
    Jesse’s throaty moans and shivering breaths echo in my ears.
    “Adam, wait –”
    I don’t want to hear it. My lips find his mouth and we’re kissing, licking, swallowing each others’ saliva. He smells so good, his cologne mixed with his own sexy man smell. The fact that I’ve aroused him has my own cock throbbing like a second heartbeat.
    Jesse breaks away with heavy panting. His voice is a little hoarse when he speaks through his kiss-swollen lips. “Wait, Adam. I’m not gay.”

    A Life Without You 51
    “I know,” I whisper into his cheek and leave it at that.
    Jesse whimpers as I bite his neck lightly, rubbing his skin with my tongue as I do. He still hangs onto the red cup while his other hand grasps the shirt on my back.
    Somewhere in the back of my mind is a voice telling me I should just

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