Bossy Request
    by Lacey Silks
    Kobo Edition
    Copyright 2012 © Lacey Silks
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    Sharon helps her hot boss to match his ties to his
wardrobe every morning. Straining to keep their working relationship
professional, she keeps her distance from Frank until an accident at work
forces them closer. An invitation to dinner, to thank Sharon for her help,
stirs feelings she’s hidden from Frank for years. Fearing she could lose her
job if their relationship flourishes, Sharon hesitates. Frank’s feelings toward
his secretary are tested. He can no longer resist Sharon, and makes his move.
Will Sharon begin to work under him the way he’s dreamed for years?
    Bossy Request is an erotic romance short story,
approximately 5600 words (250 words/page). Contains adult content and graphic
sex scenes (M/F).
    About the Author
work by Lacey Silks
with Lacey online
    To our hot bosses
    I adjusted Frank's tie with passion,
the same way I did each morning. The man had no sense of style. In the top
drawer of his office desk he kept over thirty ties, all neatly folded in
custom-made, six-by-five compartments. Before work started, my boss counted on
me to pick the right one for his outfit.
    "Hold still." I tugged at the loop, tightening the
fabric. My eyes leveled at the height of his Adam’s apple.
    "You changed your perfume." He sniffed. “Very
compelling. What's it called?”
    "Thank you, but I don't remember," I lied,
adjusting his collar. My cheeks felt hot. How could I tell him the scent's name
sounded like 'fuck'?
    "It smells like F.C.U.K." He grinned, holding my
gaze. Something about Frank’s green eyes and caramel skin made him sexier than
most men. And the morning aftershave he wore intoxicated me as if I had drunk a
bottle of wine instead of coffee. The scent’s lethal dose warmed my body from
my nose down to my toes.
    "Yeah, I think that's it. You're all done." I
stepped back just as my pulse began to race.
    "One day I'll take you out to dinner to thank you
properly for keeping me coordinated."
    Dinner with Frank was an offer most of his female co-workers
would have jumped at; perhaps the male ones too. After all, the thirty-year old
executive had everything a girl could want: a career, independence, money,
expensive taste in cars, and the looks of a supermodel. He was a California
surfer living in New York. Frank's

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