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Book: Bonded by April Zyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Zyon
    “Sleep now, Emily. I have you,”
he repeated softly. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he rubbed her back. He
didn’t say anything more after that.

Chapter Six
    When Emily woke next, the sun
was starting to come through the blinds and she snuggled in closer to the heat
of the man at her side. She felt him waking, his arms tightening on her, and
she soaked up that sensation. “I think that I could happily wake like this for
the rest of time,” she whispered.
    He let out a low hum as he
nuzzled her shoulder. “Did you sleep well?” he asked, one of his hands stroking
over her belly. Just as slowly, he eased it lower.
    “I did.” She parted her legs for
him, needing his touch more than she needed her next breath. “I don’t think
I’ve ever had such a peaceful and perfect night.” She had been absolutely worn
out in the best of ways. “How about you? Did you sleep well?”
    “Very.” His fingers brushed over
her pussy. “I’ve never slept with someone before,” he told her, lightly
stroking her clit now.
    She lifted slightly into his
hand. “I need,” she whispered. “So much. Please, tell me that you need me,
    “What do you need?” he asked
silkily, keeping the pressure light. “Tell me, Emily. What do you need from me
this morning?”
    “I need you to fuck me. Make
love with me. I want to be one with you again, Gaius, please. I need
everything. I want everything all over again.”
    “I like how needy you sound,” he
growled in her ear. “But, Emily, my sweet, making love to you and fucking you
are two very different things. Do you want me to make love with you this
morning?” he asked, sliding his finger down into her pussy and stroking her
lightly. “Or do you want me to fuck you?” He flicked and pinched her clit
    “Can we do both?” she gasped
out. “Make love with me. Fuck me. You decide? I’m yours, Gaius, and you know
that. Here in our bedroom, I’m yours … whatever you want …
whatever you need.”
    His lips curled ever so
slightly. He gave her clit another little squeeze before releasing it and
throwing the blankets back. “On your hands and knees, then. Ass up in the air,”
he ordered, moving the pillows off the bed.
    “Yes, Sir.” She grinned.
“Red—I’ll remember the safeword.” She hoped he would give her a bit more of
what they had shared last night. On her hands and knees, she looked back at him
and felt her pussy clench at just how glorious he looked sitting there on his
own knees behind her.
    “Good girl. Now, put your
shoulders on the bed and stretch your arms out. I want your ass nice and high
for me so I can see my sweet little pussy better.”
    “Yes, Sir.” She did as he
instructed, automatically fisting the mattress so he knew that her hands were
secured. She waited eagerly, so wet that she was all but dripping. She throbbed
with need but knew he would soothe the ache.
    “Very good,” he said. The bed
dipped as he moved around behind her, just out of sight, something else that
added to the anticipation. “My pussy is very wet, Emily. I like seeing how wet
it gets as you think about what I might do. It’s very encouraging.” She could
feel his breath on her behind. He was much closer now.
    The smack to her right cheek was
a shock, the one that followed on her left less so. “You like that, don’t you?”
he asked. “I can see my pussy swelling with need. Such a greedy little pussy it
is.” He smacked her again, right, then left.
    “Yes, Sir. It’s very greedy for
you and only you. Please, more?” She wanted to feel the stinging again as he
was slamming his cock deep inside of her.
    She got a sharp smack from him.
“Please more what?” he growled in a low, soft voice. “You know the proper way
to ask me for more, do you not, Emily?” Left, right, harder. Her bottom was
starting to burn now.
    Emily whimpered. Damn, if that doesn’t feel amazing .
“More please, Sir.” She was begging him now. She had been

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