
Read Online Bonded by April Zyon - Free Book Online

Book: Bonded by April Zyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Zyon
want, when
you need.”
    “Good answer.” He moved his
fingers faster, hooking the ones in her pussy to rub against the bundle of
nerves deep inside. He was driving her toward an orgasm and yet watching her
closely. Likely to make sure she didn’t go over the edge. She was fighting it
with everything she had when he pulled out suddenly. “Emily.” He said her name
with a growl. Then he slapped her most sensitive area. “Come,” he ordered.
    She did just that. She screamed
as she came. Her back bowed, and an orgasm unlike anything she had ever
experienced before caused her whole body to clench and explode. Never before
had she found such a powerful release.
    As she collapsed onto the bed,
she felt him next to her. He took her arms gently, prying her fingers loose
from the headboard and rubbing her hands. “I have you,” he murmured. “Just
relax and rest.” He kept stroking her skin.
    After a moment, he slid off the
bed and left her alone. But he came back almost immediately. Easing onto the
mattress, he shifted her into a partial sitting position, propped against him.
“Drink,” he said, pressing a cool glass into her hands. While she sipped the
water, he ran a wet washcloth over her breasts and between her legs with care.
    She closed her eyes and smiled.
She licked her lips. “That felt incredible. I have never in my life felt
anything as good as that.” She snuggled up against his chest, then pulled back
to look up at him. “I think we both need more, though.”
    “We will do more, together, in
time. But for tonight, I intend on sliding my cock into your sweet little pussy
and making love to you before we sleep. Too much is not good for you. Some
tenderness is needed as well.” Gaius pressed a light kiss to her lips and
stroked her cheek with his fingers. “Not everything we do in the bedroom will
be about me dominating you. Most, but not all. For now, finish your water and
    Her heart melted with his words.
If she didn’t know better, she would have sworn she fell in love with him at
that very moment in time. “I want everything, Gaius. To make love with you, to
ride you, having you dominate me, and simply us being together.”
    He tossed the washcloth aside
and wrapped her up in his arms. He held her and rocked her back and forth
gently as she came down from her orgasm.
    When she finished the glass of
water, she passed it over to Gaius, then snuggled in closer to him, wrapping
her arms around his waist and holding him tightly. “I just hope I can be all
that you need.”
    “Of course you are,” he said
softly. He eased them both down to the bed, one hand resting on her lower
belly. “You’re perfect, Emily. Absolutely and completely perfect. Never doubt
that.” He stroked his hand over her skin as he watched her. “If you’re too sore
we can just go to sleep,” he told her, even with his rock hard cock digging
into her hip.
    “Not too sore at all.” She
turned her head to look up at him. “I want to be with you. I feel it—this
driving and intense desire to have our souls tied together. I don’t even know
where that phrase comes from, but that’s how I felt as I was coming. Like my
soul was reaching for yours in the middle of that climax.”
    His hand stilled on her belly as
he stared into her eyes. “Maybe it was,” he said in a slightly distracted tone.
Shaking his head, he slid his hand down to cup her pussy and gently stroked her
with a finger. “Are you sure, Emily? Because I need to know if I’ve pushed you
too far at any point. And this is all my fault for not remembering before, but
you should choose a safeword for when we are together in case I go beyond what
you are comfortable with.”
    “You’ll know,” she assured him.
“But if we’re choosing, I’ll go with ‘red.’ It’s easy to remember and one that
we will both instantly associate with stopping.” She moved so she could look at
him and smiled. “I’m sure, Gaius. I want this more than you can

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