Bond Movies 06 - The World Is Not Enough

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Book: Bond Movies 06 - The World Is Not Enough by Raymond Benson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raymond Benson
approved this route.’
    ‘Then my father was wrong,’ she said, it is a sacred burial ground. We have to respect the wishes of the people.’
    ‘But . . .’
    ‘Just do it.’
    The foreman was surprised. It was the first time Elektra had asserted her authority. He didn’t question her.
    She turned to Bond and said, ‘Well, Mister Bond, you’ve seen Ruan. Now you can go home to London and report that I’m fine. Tell M not to worry. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to check the upper lines’
    ‘I’ve always wanted to see the upper lines,’ Bond said. ‘Gabor will drive you back.’
    ‘Gabor can take care of himself’
    She exchanged a look with Gabor. ‘So can I,’ she said. ‘Then I’m sure Gabor won’t mind.’
    She glanced at her bodyguard a second time. The man made a gesture to indicate that he wasn’t offended.
    ‘You don’t take no for an answer, do you?’ she asked Bond. ‘No.’
    She sighed. ‘Look, I have to go up into the mountains. There’s snow and ice up there so I have to do this on skis.’ 
    ‘Sounds like fun,’ he said cheerfully.
    At first she looked as if she might hit him, but then she reluctantly grinned out of the side of her mouth. ‘Come on,’ she said, gesturing toward the helicopter.
    Bond’s nagging feeling that they were being watched was not a product of his imagination. Had he or Sasha Davidov been able to peer into a clump of trees on a hill overlooking the village, they would have seen a man dressed in camouflage, perched on a branch and equipped with a walkie-talkie.
    Renard put a pair of binoculars to his eyes and watched the entourage prepare to leave Ruan.
    Yes, there was the MI6 man, Bond. Renard had been correct in assuming that M would send him. This would be his day of reckoning . . .
    His eyes focused on the girl for a moment. She looked as beautiful as ever. An image flashed into his brain her tear- strewn face, her arms bound . . . Those eyes of hers . . . The silky-smooth skin . . . The memory was haunting, but Renard pushed it out of his mind and concentrated on the task at hand.
    He waited until the jeep pulled away toward the construction site, then he spoke into the walkie-talkie.
    ‘Are they headed for the mountains?’ he asked.
    ‘Yes,’ came the reply.
    ‘Then you know what to do. Proceed as planned. I’ll be waiting for your report’
    ‘One other thing . . ’ Renard paused for effect. T want to see the snow up there covered in blood’

05 - Snow Prey
    The Dauphin swooped over the snowy wastes until it reached a mountain peak that Elektra indicated as their destination. The wind was buffeting.
    ‘Can’t land!’ the pilot shouted. ‘Wind's too strong!'
    ‘Hold her steady!’ Elektra called back. She moved her goggles down onto her face. ‘We’ll have to jump,’ she said to Bond. ‘You do ski, don’t you?’
    ‘Ladies first,’ Bond said, lowering his own goggles and putting on the all-mountain-carving skis he had borrowed from Davidov. The security man’s polypropylene jacket, fleece gloves, and ski pants with micro-fleece lining also happened to fit Bond. He slipped on the Q jacket over everything, glad that he had brought it along. Elektra wore a light parka jacket with a fur-lined hood and underarm zippers, down mittens, and ski pants similar to Bond’s. She stepped into her all-mountain skis made especially for women with lightweight core and soft flex pattern. She fitted her boots into the toe-holds and locked them down.
    The cold wind rushed in when she opened the door. Without checking to see if Bond was ready, she leaped out and dropped fifteen feet, landing on the move. Bond jumped after her, but she was already way ahead. Her skiing was fearless.
    Considering this a challenge, Bond went into the langlauf-  
    ing method of sliding forward, something his old instructor, Fuchs, had taught him. It was exhilarating to be on skis once again. The only thing more thrilling than speeding down snow-covered

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