
Read Online Blowback by Stephanie Summers - Free Book Online

Book: Blowback by Stephanie Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Summers
that’ll work.”
    I swung my leg over the bike and sat down on the seat. She stood there looking at me in apprehension for a second before taking a step closer.
    “Haven’t you been on a motorcycle before?”
    “Um, well… No, not really.”
    “Not really? Either you have or you haven’t.”
    “I was on a dirt bike a couple of times with my ex-husband, but never anything like this.”
    Ex-husband. My jaw clenched, and I nearly bit my tongue to keep from asking her details that I probably didn’t want to know.
    Reaching back, I patted the seat behind me, inviting her to take her place. I didn’t watch her get on the back of my bike, but there was no mistaking her there. She settled into place, her thighs squeezing against my hips. My abs tightened as she gripped my sides. Placing my hands on hers, I pulled them around to the front of my body, placing them low on my torso and entirely too close to my cock.
    I didn’t care if she had a boyfriend or not or who she’d told she loved only a minute or so before. In that moment, the only two people who existed were the two of us, and in my heart and soul, she was mine again. Consequences be damned.
    We didn’t stop until I’d taken her about five miles away from where we’d started out. It was a much better part of the city with plenty of hotels to choose from. I turned onto a dead-end street lined with places she could get a room. Pulling up to the curb, I turned my head and asked her which one she wanted to go to. She chose a place called the Oak Inn, and I dropped her at the front door.
    “Thanks for giving me a lift and for dinner,” she said, smiling at me. “It was nice to catch up.”
    “No problem, darlin’, but you aren’t getting rid of me so easily. Go get checked in. I’ll wait for you here.”
    She rolled her eyes playfully and turned to enter the front lobby. I watched her perfect ass sway back and forth as she walked away. Couldn’t help myself from thinking about how fucking sweet it would be to see it completely naked with me pounding my cock into her. I had no doubt in my mind I’d be seeing it and the rest of her spectacular fucking body in all its glory soon enough.
    Like I said before. I didn’t care if she had a boyfriend or not. Just one more thing to add to the list of things that made me a bad person.
    My phone rang, interrupting the dirty thoughts about her I had running through my mind.
    Not a number I recognized, but then that wasn’t out of the norm for the people I kept company with. Most of us used burner phones and you never know when someone had picked up a new one.
    “What the fuck is going on?” Flint, an employee of my father, asked. “Why haven’t you called me?”
    “Sorry, man… He was there with some kids, and I forgot to let you know.”
    “Bullshit, Jet. He’s been alone the whole time I’ve been here. I thought maybe you got your ass in hot water when I didn’t hear from you, and came to make sure you didn’t need some backup.”
    “They must have left after I did,” I said, trying hard to keep my cool while lying my ass off.
    “You want me to go ahead and get him?”
    “By yourself?”
    “Wouldn’t be the first time,” he said, no doubt alluding to the few times over the years that my head just wasn’t in it, and he relieved me of my duties.
    “This can’t blow back on me. It’ll be my balls if he thinks I just blew it off.”
    “I’ve got you this time, J. I’ll just tell him I saw him out, and it was too perfect not to grab him.”
    “Thanks, man.”
    “Yeah, get back to your piece of ass, you lucky son of a bitch.”
    “I’m not with—”
    “Sure you’re not,” he said before the phone went silent.
    Fuck. Niall can’t know I’m with a girl—Evie, of all people—instead of doing what I was told.
    He wouldn’t know who Evie was even if he’d somehow seen us together, but I couldn’t risk it. There was no fucking way I was going to go through what I did to keep

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