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Book: Blowback by Stephanie Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Summers
her safe, just to put her right back in danger’s way because of a chance meeting. I texted Flint.
    Don’t do anything. I’m on my way now.
    Less than twenty seconds later, his reply came through.
    Whatever you want. I’ll wait.
    I debated on whether I should just take off or not. Yeah, it’d crush her… again, but maybe it would be for the best. Before I could decide what to do, she came walking through the front door of the hotel, smiling at me and pulling me right back into the fantasy that I could really be with her.
    “I’m all checked in. The lady at the front desk said I could go around to the back of the building to that door. The stairs there are close to the room.”
    “Hop on, I’ll take you.”
    After she did as she was told, we drove around to the back of the building where I let her off. She handed me the helmet, and I placed it on my head. The smile that started to grow on her face faded.
    “So this is goodbye?” she asked.
    “Yeah. That meeting from earlier is back on. Maybe we can get together later,” I said and gave her my number. “Text me and let me know where you all end up, okay?”
    The more I tried to distance myself, the more I seemed incapable of it. There was no way any of it would end well if I didn’t stop, but how do you just give up the only person who ever saw all your flaws, all your deepest secrets, and loved you anyway?

    I opened the door to my room and searched for a light switch, which I found on the wall a second later. The room was nice enough, and I was extremely thankful for the cool blast of air that hit me as I entered. I flopped down on the bed and contemplated how the hell I was going to get home as I stared at the generic artwork decorating the pale yellow walls. Sophie would take me for sure, but it was so far out of the way for her that I felt bad even thinking about asking her. My best bet was probably to just go ahead and rent a car. I could then look into buying a new one as soon as I could.
    That was a headache I didn’t want to deal with. I made okay money, but since I was self-employed, it was a hell of a lot harder to prove to banks that I was capable of making the payment for the entire term of the loan. This was why I’d been determined to drive my previous car until the wheels fell off. Unfortunately, the engine hadn’t lasted as long as the wheels had, and my car-buying fund wasn’t nearly as well endowed as I’d hoped it would be.
    And if it weren’t for that same, no-engine having car, I probably never would have seen Jet again.
    Sophie calling interrupted my contemplation.
    “Where are you?” I asked.
    “Just got into Oakton, babe. Where are you?”
    “I’m at the Oak Inn. It’s on a road called—and I shit you not—Hotel Lane.”
    “I bet whoever came up with that name had to think long and hard,” she said with a chuckle. “I’ll plug it in the GPS, and we’ll be there soon.”
    “Hey, Soph?”
    “Did you bring any extra clothes or anything? I wasn’t planning on staying overnight or going dancing, so I’ve got a whole lot of nothing.” Even if she had brought clothes for me, I’d still have to go somewhere to get some shoes because her feet were way smaller than mine.
    “I’ve got you completely covered. I knew when I changed the plans you probably didn’t have anything. I’ve got your back, as usual,” she said. “Oh, and I had a pair of heels you left at my house after the last time we went out dancing, so you’re good to go.”
    My legs were longer than hers, but I could make whatever she had work. Her pants always looked cropped on me, and the shirts usually fit well. I just hoped she didn’t bring a mini skirt or a short dress. That would be harder to work with.
    “I can’t wait until you get here. I have a ridiculous amount of things to tell you. You won’t even believe half of what’s happened today.”
    “I’ll be there shortly,” she exclaimed.
    “Come to room

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