Blood Mates

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Book: Blood Mates by K. Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Grey
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sofa curled up under the blanket he had covered her with almost an hour ago. George that ugly damn cat was sleeping on the back of the sofa above Ava’s head. Sloane gave up trying to pet him. It was obvious he was loyal to his mistress and wanted nothing to do with anyone else. He even hissed at Sloane when he tried to cover Ava up.
    Suddenly Ava sat up on the couch wide awake. She looked around as if she was terrified and didn’t know where she was.
    “Ava….what’s wrong? You’re safe…” Sloane said turning to her. He reached out to touch her leg as she began to rub her arm. Ava looked at him and then down at her arm.
    “I know I’m safe….” She nodded.
    “Good…” Sloane nodded. “Bad dream?”
    “It felt real though.” She even pushed up her sleeve to make sure she wasn’t cut. “I didn’t feel pain, but I felt the knife.”
    “Some dreams are like that. So real you feel like you were there.”
    “Yeah…” she didn’t think it was that simple. This felt like the anger she felt
    At dinner earlier. She felt it all, but yet it didn’t belong to her. She didn’t want to talk about it anymore. She didn’t want Sloane to think she was crazy either. And bless Alfred he appeared in the doorway with a tray saving her from trying to lie to Sloane.
    “I thought you might like some hot chocolate, Ava…”
    “Lucien needs to give you a huge raise, Alfred.” She said smiling taking the cup he offered her. She sighed when she saw the little marshmallows in it. “And you will always be my favorite….”
    “Hey! I saved you…”
    “Yeah…” she nodded at Sloane. “, but Alfred used the cute little ones… see…” she held the cup out so he could see them. Sloane rolled his eyes.
    “I put them in yours too, Sloane…” Alfred said with a chuckle.
    “Alfred, will you join us?”
    “Oh…I’m gonna turn in, Ava, but I promise I will next time.”
    “It’s a deal...” she nodded. “And I will hold you to it.”
    Sloane smiled behind his cup. Ava was slowly wrapping everyone around her finger. And he knew not one of them would complain about it. She was indeed special and not just because she might or might not be a blood mate.
    Sloane was in the clinic with Holden, one of the other brothers. Holden had returned from hunting with a deep slash across his ribs. As Holden drained a bag dry Sloane was making sure he didn’t damage anything too bad.
    “Damn! Stop poking it, Sloane.” Holden grunted around the bag.
    “Shut up… and drink. You will need at least two more bags. The little bastard nearly cut your lung in half. He got lucky and went between your ribs. How the hell did he get that lucky?”
    “I thought I had him pinned and he had a switch blade.” Holden said pulling the empty bag from his fangs. Sloane shoved another one into his hands.
    “You’re telling me. He looked like a weasel. I didn’t know he was one.”
    Sloane held the pressure bandage to it knowing it would be healed soon. He just wanted to keep as much blood in him until the skin closed up then his body would do the rest.  The brothers usually were able to keep a hidden built in cooler in their vehicles for emergencies which was what kept Holden lucky this time. He heard the doors open and a few seconds later Talon and Rhage appeared in the doorway.
    “Damn, Holden…” Talon swore. “You leave any blood in you, man?”
    “A little.”
    “Drink… talk later…” Sloane snapped. He looked at Talon and Rhage. “You two ok?”
    “Better than him….” Talon chuckled.
                  Sloane nodded and then saw the sleeve on Rhage’s jacket was split wide open. “You get hurt?”
    “Just a slash. It was healed before I finished the bag.” Rhage shrugged. “I’m good.” He flexed his fingers and arm to prove it.
                  Sloane grabbed Holden’s hand and slapped it against the towels. “Hold that there until you finish that bag….” He turned

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