Blood Mates

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Book: Blood Mates by K. Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Grey
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    “Yep… at least three of them.” Rhage wanted a challenge. He needed it. He needed to work off some steam and frustration.  Maybe this was just the beginning. He wanted a good fight. They split up to keep them confined to the alley. Rhage took the front which meant he would be behind them. As he entered the alley he had to focus on the scent of the half breeds instead of the stench of the alley. Both being horrible and both threatening to make his head hurt. Half breeds had a distinct odor which humans rarely would notice, but immortals did. Half breeds smelled like a mixture of rotting flesh and sulfur.  Half breeds were devoid of humanity and always hungry for blood. The hunger was what was making them die from the inside out. That’s why their blood was blacker than red and silver would kill them. It burned them like acid destroying them. Silver didn’t effect an immortal the same way. The only real ways to kill an immortal were inflict so much damage that he was too far gone and blood didn’t have time to repair the damage or cut his head off. Otherwise than that they were tough bastards. Rhage could hear them in front of him.
    “Seriously….” One of them said. “We can eat first…. And I don’t want another junkie.”
    “Well… deal with it. Do you want the sire more pissed off than he already is...? “
    “No…. he ripped Harry’s heart straight out of his chest when harry told him about that girl getting away from them and the legion attacking.”
    “Exactly… we don’t need to draw any more attention. We need to find the girl again.”
    “Don’t the legion have her?”
    “Don’t know for sure… “The tall one answered. “All I know is the sire is pissed off that she got away. And we need to find out where the legion has her if they do.”
    “I ain’t scared of those bastards. I can take em… they’re pussies.”
    Rhage couldn’t help himself. He laughed out loud which made the three of them swirl around to face him.  Rhage stepped out from the shadows and crossed his arms over his chest.
    “Why don’t you come over here and call me a pussy to my face…?” the three half breeds looked at each other. “What? Haven’t you ever seen a brother of the legion before? --- Well I’ll be your first and last. I’m gonna kill you…”
    The three half breeds then puffed up and hissed at Rhage before rushing toward him in a blur. They were a blur to the human eye if a human saw them at all, but to an immortal who had enhanced vision he could see them perfectly.  Rhage side stepped to the right grabbing one of them and swinging him around to crash into the other two sending them sprawling into the wall of the building. One of them got to his feet quickly. The bad ass who call the legion a bunch of pussies. He charged forward toward Rhage throwing his fists and growling like a rabid dog.  A second one joined in with a knife then the third one. As Rhage dodged the knife and throwing punches he saw Talon standing off to the side just watching.
    “You gonna help here?” he called out just before one of the bastards got a punch in and then the knife sliced his arm. Rhage side kicked him down.
    “Naw…. You can handle it…”
    “Sorry bastard...” Rhage hissed before pulling his own knife and stabbing the bastard on his left square into the heart. The other two froze watching their friend turn to ash right in front of them.  The ash floated in the air around them. The taller of the two shoved his friend toward Rhage and taking off in a run. Rhage threw his knife and it embedded in the bastard’s back not killing him, but taking him down. The other one took advantage and managed to slash Rhage again before Rhage grabbed his wrist snapping it quickly causing the knife to clink on the ground. Rhage grabbed him and pinned him to the wall by the neck… Rhage hissed with his fangs clearly visible.
    “You wanna die like your friend?” Rhage demanded. The half breed looked at

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