Blind Dating:

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Book: Blind Dating: by Kerry Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerry Taylor
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    I remember jumping into a taxi, because we were too drunk to get in our cars and drive, then coming to his place.  Actually, if I had not woken up just now, I would have sworn we went to my place, and then he continued taking the taxi to his own place. 
    I can see now – that I must have been dreaming, because that theory was totally wrong!
    So, is there a hurry to get home he asks.
    I reply, No, for once, No
    Great, he says, let’s get ourselves together and go out for the day.
    Where to, I ask
    He says, who cares, where your sense of adventure is.
    And for that time, for the first time, I smile, it has been a very long while, since I behaved like this and it felt nice.
    So, what are you kidnapping me to do today ? I ask
    He replies, with a certain look in his eyes, Wait and sees.
    I am so excited, I am shaking.  I have not felt this way since, since, since, High School!
    He showers, gets ready and we have breakfast, then I judge his attire, to figure out what I should be wearing.  I think it is more a casual-smart.  I am going to do the same thing, but what does that mean, so on the taxi ride home I ask him, should I wear a dress, he replies if you want to.
    Then, I ask, should I wear trousers, he says whatever you feel more comfortable in.
    He replies, with you have not been in a relationship for a long time.
    Now, I am either still drunk or just hard of hearing.  I am thinking relationship, but we have just been on a date, first date, how are we in a relationship now.
    He starts to laugh.
    You think I am jumping the gun right?
    I reply, Course, who would not with such a catch!
    He laughs
    I am going up to get changed, OK I will wait here.
    Funny, I am not sure how much he has spent on our first date, but it has all been fun.  I did not understand why he never wanted the taxi to wait for us; I did promise I was not one of those women that took long to get ready.  He wants us out by 12pm.  Which only leaves me 15 minutes and I still cannot think of what I am going to wear.
    I run to my closet and just take out my pants and low cut top.  I do not have time to think about being sexy, I just need to do as much as I can with the time, I have left.  One thing is for sure, I need to make sure that I brush my teeth, well and have a good scrub, from head to toe.
    The phone rings I pick it up, it is the kids, they want to know if I scored last night.  I told them that I did not and that was not the plan of the evening ,(and they shouldn’t ask their mother such a thing) .  Hannah, says course it was not, and I feel her winking to her siblings – was I that obvious I think?
    Anyway, I tell her I have to run, he is downstairs waiting. She questions where we are going now, and highlights the fact that a date means that you go out and meet up another time on a second date, not that it overruns for days.
    I kiss them over the phone and run into the shower.  I start to have thoughts, dirty thoughts.  Him and I in the shower with our Prom King and Queen crown on our heads.  I do not realise, I spend so long having this on my mind, that the next thing, I know there is a loud knock on the door.
    They are here to pick us up. 
    I reply, sure – Am coming
    Oh, he has to get it tonight; otherwise, it is just plain silly!
    Kimberly , you are really losing your touch.  I just thought, home alone, we do not even need to get out.  Instead we are going out and he has invited friends, I can hear them talking outside.  A bit disappointed, I do not even dry my hair. I just put on my pants and top, with my heals.  Then run down the stairs, to see a man with a van.
    What tis going on? I question.
    This time, I get a reply
    We are going to Snoqualmie Falls on a wine tasting tour.
    Have you ever been there? He asks
    I reply, never
    I am too in shock to say anything right now.
    We are going through the countryside to tour and taste at 2 award winning wineries.  Afterward

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