Blaze: A Texas Heat Novel

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Book: Blaze: A Texas Heat Novel by Octavia McKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Octavia McKenzie
hands. His head dipped. He sucked her nipple with hot, wet suction, rubbing his tongue across the rosy bud. Under a waterfall of hot spray, Emerson threw her head back as he devoured her breasts.
    “Dylan!” she breathed. Her hands flattened on his broad, muscular chest and slid into his coffee brown hair as he feasted on her body. The pleasure sent shockwaves through her. Emerson undid his belt, pulled down his zipper and sprung his long length free. Dylan held her up against the slick wall and thrust deep inside her. She was wet, tight and ready for him. Emerson’s back arched as he plunged in and out with powerful strokes of his muscular body. Dylan licked her nipple and took it between his teeth. She writhed beneath him as he rode her in the hot steam. He thrust deeper and deeper pinning her to the wall until she screamed. The orgasm roared through her. Dylan could only hold on as she took him over the edge. He came so hard, he hissed her name, as aftershocks pounded through his body. It was the hottest sex of his life.
    After a long, playful shower, they made love again, this time in her bed. Dylan knew this was way beyond physical pleasure. He watched her sleep, arrested by the sight of her beauty. Wispy tendrils of red gold hair brushed her rosy cheeks and creamy shoulders. She slept with the hint of a smile on her lips. Damn if he didn’t put it there, making sure she was thoroughly satisfied again and again. Dylan played with her fingers. He couldn’t stop touching her. Dear God, I love her! The truth hit him right between the eyes. Love for her came at him like a freight train and there was nothing he could do to fight it.   
       Fear caught him by the throat. The political arena was like a gladiator facing a pack of wild animals dead set on ripping flesh apart.
    Dylan discreetly had a background check done on her. Her dad was in jail for multiple felonies for theft and fraud. Her aunts, uncles and cousins were drug dealers and gang members. Her mom was in and out of rehab. He inwardly groaned. There were enough skeletons in Emerson’s closet to make her a malicious target for reporters. He couldn’t expose her to the cut throat political arena. With her family tree, she’d get eaten alive. He had to protect her.
    Dylan committed her face to memory. He wished to God things were different. Leaving her was the hardest thing he’d ever done. He got dressed quickly and snuck out like a teenager.

Chapter 10
    He never called or responded to her texts. In less than twenty four hours, Emerson heard the rumors. Dylan’s ex-girlfriend, Lea Saint James was in town.
    Emerson’s heart refused to believe it. Dylan wouldn’t do that to her, not after the sweet passion they shared. She knew he loved her even though he never said it. Her conviction swayed when she saw him walking hand in hand with Lea. They were back on. The twins, Susie Q and Penny May confirmed it in their blog. At first, Emerson thought the pain would kill her.
    She couldn’t confide in her friend Sawyer. Her dad was terminally ill. Gran had to be kept in the dark. She would calmly load her Smith & Wesson 38 special and shoot Dylan’s dick off, Mayor or no Mayor.
    Harper would understand and be a shoulder to cry on. They’d watch a Star Wars marathon, eat buckets of ice cream and curse men everywhere. Before Emerson could ask her friend, Donavan asked her out to dinner. It was the perfect diversion.    
    Skid row stretched for several blocks in a seedy, gang ridden area of downtown Austin. The homeless, mentally ill, drug addicts, criminals and runaway teens slept on slabs of concrete, under highway bridges, in make shift tents draped with rags or torn trash bags. Emerson gave out bags of food to the hungry and Harper administered first aide and medical treatment. Other members of their team were scattered throughout helping anyone who needed it.
    Hours later they sat in the back seat of a black SUV. A volunteer drove, another sat up front.

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