Blaze: A Texas Heat Novel

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Book: Blaze: A Texas Heat Novel by Octavia McKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Octavia McKenzie
Emerson’s wide green eyes looked troubled. “Hey, are we okay?”
    Harper didn’t pretend to misunderstand. “If Donavan asks you to dinner, say yes.”  
    “Harper, our friendship means more to me than any man, are we okay?”
    “Yes.” And this time she meant it. Harper squeezed Emerson’s hand. “You are beautiful inside and out, why wouldn’t he want you?”
    Emerson frowned. “I could say the same thing about you.”
    Harper snorted. “You’re beauty, I’m the beast.”
    “Stop it,” Emerson hissed, “You keep putting yourself down, you are amazing.”
    The volunteers talked in the front seat and jammed to the radio. They sped along I-35, dodging crazy drivers and big rig trucks.
    “My biological father used to call me Raven.” Harper rarely talked about him. Emerson held her gaze.
    “Why did he call you that? Because of your black hair?”
    “No,” Harper whispered, “He said in ancient times, ravens were ugly, bad omens, evil, they meant death and so did I.”
    Emerson gripped her friend’s suddenly cold hand. “The devil is a liar and so is your sperm donor. I wanna punch him in the face.”
    Harper smiled. “Me too.”
    They spent the rest of the drive catching up on old times. After a while, they drifted into companionable silence. Emerson stared out the tinted window. She tried not to think about Dylan, God knows she tried. Her subconscious betrayed her every single night. He showed up in her dreams – deliciously ripped, kissing her endless, making hot sweet love to her. She’d wake up breathless, aroused and yearning for him every which way. Then she’d realize it was only a dream.   

Chapter 11
    Emerson went to dinner with Donavan, determined to banish Dylan from her thoughts. They dined at the only fancy restaurant in town. Peachtree Lane had a stately Victorian décor, live piano music and fine Southern cuisine. Lit candles with scattered rose petals adorned the tables. The waiters wore crisp black tuxedoes and white pristine gloves.
    Donavan seated Emerson by the bay window draped with white Christmas lights. They ordered glasses of Chardonnay, a creamy lobster bisque and tender Kobe steak.
    Emerson dressed with care in a knock out little black dress that hugged her every curve. Her strawberry blond curls tumbled over her bare shoulders. She crossed her legs demurely and wore a pair of crystal and black heels. Several men followed her with their eyes, openly gaping. Donavan drew equal feminine attention. He wore all black. It set off his blond hair, chiseled face and blue eyes to perfection.
    Emerson told herself to relax, have a good time, even though this was going nowhere. She couldn’t shake the suspicion that Harper had feelings for him. If there was the slightest possibility, Emerson wasn’t going to break her girl code. No way could she betray her friend. She took a sip of wine and nearly choked. Dylan sat several tables away. His narrowed eyes blazing. She stared back defiantly. If he didn’t want her permanently then he could just go suck it! Her bravado lasted until she noticed the stunning icy blond sitting next to him. She looked like a Victoria Secret model. Her rippling platinum hair draped over her fake tanned shoulders and naked back. The red dress she wore left little to the imagination. Her boobs looked perky, her waist flat and toned. Her legs long, shapely and golden.
    Emerson instantly felt ridiculous. Who was she kidding? She couldn’t compete with a woman who looked like she just stepped out of the pages of Vogue Magazine . Emerson felt the pain to the core of her being. Donavan took her hand in his.
    “Hey, he’s being an idiot.”
    Emerson bit her lip. “Am I that transparent?”
    “Only when it comes to him,” Donavan said.
    “Why did you ask me out?” Emerson asked miserably.
    “Because you’re sweet, pretty and I knew it would piss Dylan off.”
    Emerson took a long sip of wine. “You’re wrong, he doesn’t want me.”

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