Black Smoke

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Book: Black Smoke by Robin Leigh Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Leigh Miller
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saw her lying on the floor thrashing around, mumbling in her sleep. He watched for a few moments debating whether or not to wake her. But the pain he saw in her face tore at him. He made his way over to her and crouched down beside her.
    “Sam, wake up,” he said shaking her. “Sam.”
    When her hand shot up, Kong ducked in time to miss a jab to his jaw. “Sam!” he shouted. Her eyes flew open and her breathing was ragged. She looked at her surroundings, then focused on Kong’s face. His eyes held concern and that she couldn’t take. She sat up and scooted away from him, wrapping her arms around herself.
    “That must have been some dream,” he said sitting down on the floor across from her. “Want to talk about it?” When she shook her head no he said, “Suit yourself.”
    He stood to leave her, then crouched back down. “Regardless of what you think of me, I’m not an ogre. I know you can take care of yourself, but sometimes, there are things that haunt us and it helps to have someone to talk them out with.” With that he stood and left.
    Sam sat there mulling his words over in her mind. Did he really think she’d tell him her darkest secrets? That was a joke, yet why did she feel the need to call him back?
    Sometimes the least likely person is the one we need.
    Sam rolled her eyes. Like she needed him. Hadn’t she proven herself to him?
    Battle is not what I mean.
    She sat a few moments thinking, then got up and stretched. Boomer and Ricochet were still asleep. Kong was lying back on his crate. Maybe she should try to talk to him, get the air cleared before they landed. Sam made her way over to the crate. When Kong saw her coming he sat up and made room for her.
    They sat for a few moments and then Kong asked, “Is Cannon your boyfriend?” He didn’t know what possessed him to ask, but the words were out now and there was no turning back.
    Sam snorted. “No. He’s my uncle.”
    Kong felt a wave of relief crash over him. Shaking it off he asked, “Did he raise you?”
    “Yeah, he took me in and raised me like his own. I’m sorry he lectured you after our little…” She made a back and forth motion with her finger between the two of them. “He’s never done that before. Usually he lets me handle the situation.”
    Kong smiled. “He didn’t really lecture. He just filled us in on your training history.”
    “Oh.” Walt never told people about her training. Why were things so different this time?
    “It’s impressive, your training. Mind if I ask what possessed a young girl to take on so much?”
    Sam looked at him. “That’s kind of personal. I never really talked with anyone about it before.”
    “I see. Well, if you feel the need. I listen well.”
    “Why did you ask if Uncle Walt was my boyfriend? I mean, he’s so much older than me,” Sam asked.
    “Well, ah, there just seemed to be something there. Plus, I didn’t want to return home and have him after my head if something happened.” Kong felt heat rise in his face, the more he talked the deeper he got.
    “If something happened? You mean if I got captured?”
    “Yeah, yeah, that’s it,” he said looking the other way. “So, do you have a boyfriend?”
    “No. It’s hard to find someone that will accept my job. Men don’t exactly like a woman that spends her time kicking ass.”
    “What about a military guy? You’d have something in common.”
    “No, no, no. I don’t date military men. When I’m in a relationship, I’m committed to it and I want him to be committed as well. I don’t go for my bed one night and someone else’s when they leave town,” she explained.
    Kong felt the hit hard in his chest, but he pushed it away. “Yeah, your type probably likes the meek and mild type. The kind that like to be dominated by women.” He sneered.
    “My type. What the hell does that mean?” Sam asked a bit miffed.
    “Well, women that like to be in control of everything around them.”
    “You don’t know the first thing

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