Black Pawn (Michael Cailen Book 1)

Read Online Black Pawn (Michael Cailen Book 1) by Mel LeBrun - Free Book Online

Book: Black Pawn (Michael Cailen Book 1) by Mel LeBrun Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mel LeBrun
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    “You're gonna try everything on?”
    “I was going to, but now I just want to get out of here.”
    “Relax.  You're fine.  I've been keeping an eye on you.  Try
them on so you know everything fits.  Leave the worrying to me.”  He gave her
hips a light squeeze before stepping away.  He watched the young man scurry
away shortly after he made his appearance.  The guy took one look at Michael
and ran like a scared cat.  Jessica looked nervous now so he decided to stay
with her.
    He reached into the cart, pulled out a pair of thongs and
held them up.  “This doesn't look like granny underwear,” he said with a
sarcastic smile.
    She tore it from his hand and threw it back in the cart.
“Don't you have something to do?” she snipped, embarrassed by the attention he
was giving to her choice of undergarment.
    “Nope,” he smiled.
    He had the nicest smile.  She found it hard to believe
sometimes that a dangerous killer lurked behind that charming, innocent smile. 
His playfulness took her by surprise.  He had been so cold and emotionless when
he first kidnapped her, she didn't think he had a personality.  But she was
starting to see he had a mischievous sense of humor.
    At the checkout, as the total passed two hundred dollars, Jessica
wondered how they were going to pay.  It stopped just under four hundred and
Michael pulled a stack of bills out of his side pocket and paid cash.
    They walked back to the truck and Michael had just put the
bags on the floor of the backseat when he felt something hard press into his
    “Your money or your life,” a voice behind him said.
    Jessica was getting in the front passenger seat when she
noticed Michael wasn't moving and then she saw someone standing behind him. 
She watched as he slowly raised his arms.  Were they being robbed?   She
quickly looked around, but saw no one else in the parking lot.  Her heart started
to race.
    “Okay,” Michael said calmly. “You can have the money.”  He
slowly took a step back to move away from the truck and felt the gun jab harder
into his back.  He could see the mugger's reflection in the back window of the
SUV.  He looked nervous and when he looked around to see if anyone was watching,
Michael took the opening.  He spun around, forcing the mugger's hand and gun
into the door and delivered a roundhouse punch to his jaw.  He fell to the
ground stunned as Michael reached down and relieved him of his weapon.
    “Nice gun,” he said, looking down.  He closed the door to
the back seat and then climbed in the driver's seat, keeping the gun.  Jessica
jumped in the passenger's seat and they left the stupefied mugger there on the
    “Never a dull moment with you, is there?” she said as she
was trying to stop shaking.
    “Apparently not,” he replied.  “He must have seen me pay
cash and thought he'd make a quick buck.”
    “Do you always carry that much cash on you?”
    “Can't exactly use an ATM card, can I?”
    “I suppose not. What did you do? Rob a bank?”
    “Next best thing,” he grinned.
    “ATM?” she asked with one eyebrow raised.
    “Drug dealer.”
    “You robbed a drug dealer?!”  Her voice raised in disbelief,
as if that was somehow more absurd than him robbing a bank.
    “They're easy targets,” he explained. “They carry tons of
cash and they won't report it stolen.  I usually take their drugs too and drop
them in a sewer just out of spite.”
    “Aren't you afraid they may spot you at some point and try
to get revenge?”
    “Nah.  It's lights out before they even see me.  And I make
sure no one else is around when I hit.  It's the perfect crime.”  He smiled at
her. “And I don't feel bad if I end up having to kill one,” he added.
    She looked at him, eyes wide, not sure whether or not he was
joking.  He didn't volunteer any more information and she decided she didn't
want to know any more.
    THEY GRABBED lunch again before heading home.  When
they arrived back,

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