Black Pawn (Michael Cailen Book 1)

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Book: Black Pawn (Michael Cailen Book 1) by Mel LeBrun Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mel LeBrun
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Michael offered the use of his dresser to store her clothes,
which she readily accepted.
    It was the first time she had been in his bedroom.  The bed
looked warm and cozy with a down comforter.  Next to the bed was a nightstand
with a lamp and an alarm clock attached to a long electrical cord that went
into a socket hanging from the ceiling.  Off to the right, he had some weights
and a bench press.  Attached to the wall was a bar for pull-ups.  She saw a
jump rope on the floor and various duffel bags.  The dresser was against the
wall right next to the doorway.
    “How long have you lived here?”  She began folding her
clothes, tucking them in the drawer.
    “About six months.”  He sat on the edge of the bed and
watched her.  “It's about time to move.  I don't like to stay in one place too
    She quietly put away the rest of her clothes.  The reality
of never going back home was sinking in.  Her mood turned somber.  He saw the
change in her demeanor, but didn't know how to make her feel better.
    “I'm going to work out for a bit,” he said, breaking the
silence.  “You're free to join me if you like.”
    “I'd like to sit on the dock.  It's nice out and I'd like to
be outside.”
    “Sure. Just keep the door open.”
    Jessica sat on the dock looking out at the water.  She
remembered the last time she was this close to the water and quickly tried to think
of something else.  The sun was out and the feel of it on her skin was in warm
contrast to the cool breeze blowing off the water.  She felt peaceful, but
couldn't shake the nagging sadness over what her life would now be like.  She
started to feel depressed.  She couldn't believe her luck.  She only went to
that cafe for a few hours each month.
    After an hour on the dock, Jessica decided she had enough of
nature and went back inside.  The sound of jump rope came from the other room. 
She lay on the futon silently listening to the whirl of the rope as it sliced
through the air.  Then it stopped.  A few seconds later Michael emerged from
the bedroom with a towel around his shoulders.  He stopped and looked at her. 
Beads of sweat covered his body.  She nearly drooled at the sight of him
    He told her he was going to take a shower and then bring
back some food.  Ten minutes later, he emerged from the shower wearing nothing
but a towel around his waist.  She made an unsuccessful attempt to avert her eyes. 
She practically stared.  He was in amazing shape, chiseled without an ounce of
fat on his body.
    Michael pretended not to notice as he walked past her and
into the bedroom.  Once out of sight, a huge grin crossed his face.  He
wouldn't admit it, but a part of him had been hoping to get her attention.  She
was gorgeous and he found her terribly attractive.  At the same time, he knew
that he was playing with fire.  If the relationship turned sour, it could be
messy with them on the run for their lives.  It would be better if they didn't
get romantically involved.
    Michael returned with dinner and Jessica abandoned her spot
on the futon, limping over to the table.  They ate quietly until Jessica broke
the silence.
    “So how old are you?” she asked.
    “Thirty-four,” he answered between bites.
    “Wow, I was ten when you joined the military.”
    He laughed. “Thanks for making me feel old.”
    “So what's the plan?  How do we find out why these people
are after us?”
    “I have a lead that I'm working on right now.  I don't know
how it will pan out.  Until I know more, there isn't much we can do.”
    “Shouldn't we be doing more to find out what's going on?  I
mean, we spent the day shopping then you worked out, and now we're eating
dinner.  I can't help but feel like we're just hiding.”
    He chuckled.
    “What's so funny?” she asked.
    “The first six months or so I was on the run, I spent every
waking minute trying to plan my next step, think of ways to find out what's
going on.  I was obsessed with

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