Black 01 - Black Rain

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Book: Black 01 - Black Rain by Vincent Alexandria Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vincent Alexandria
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the cuts on the inside of her mouth. She runs her tongue around her mouth to check for any loose teeth. They’re fine.
    Brutus could have hurt her worse, and she counts her blessings that he considers her a friend. She’ll have to let him make the first move next time. It was silly for her to get caught in the air. She knew better.
    Her face has a light coating of dust, as do her hair and clothes. She pulls some straw from under her shirt and suddenly feels weak-kneed as she thinks of Agent Smelley swinging from that rope. At least Dread didn’t burn his body as he did all the others. She pushes the tears back and vows to get even. She has to be smart and keep a cool head.
    She must contact her superior, FBI Agent Royal James, and let him know of her position.
    She looks around the gold-toned bathroom with the oversized French marble Jacuzzi, bathtub and vanity. By the wall, off from the freestanding shower is a wall phone. Thank God for hotels. Chase is surprised when the information on the phone reveals that they are in room number 1611 at the Downtown Hyatt Regency hotel in Sioux City, Iowa. She looks out the door to Vincent Alexandria
    make sure no one has entered the room. She pulls out her cell phone and mutes the sound. She carefully dials Agent James’s cell-phone number.
    It rings two times. “James here.”
    She whispers into the phone. “This is Chase.”
    Agent James’s pitch rises immediately. “Chase, are you all right? Where the hell are you? We’ve got to get you out. We believe we’ve found Agent Smelley. He’s been burned.”
    “James, I fear for my life, but I’m okay. Agent Smelley was not burned. He was killed in Nebraska. His body is in a red barn that’s on a deserted dirt country road near Freemont, just off Highway 30. Dread killed him. He cut him up something awful.” Her voice breaks.
    Agent James pauses for a moment. “Chase, we thought we had Smelley’s body here. Some poor bastard has been burned to a crisp and he’s about the same size as Smelley. You’ve got to get out of there.”
    “That was Officer Paul Novesell. He double-crossed Dread on a drug bust and tried to keep part of the money for himself. If I see the opportunity, I’ll get out. They have someone watching me constantly. There are at least six men with Dread at all times.”
    “Joe is on his way to help you get out. Just hang tough and stay alive until he can get to you. Where are you?”
    “Thank God. I’m in Sioux City…” The door to her room opens, and she flips the phone shut and shoves it in her panties. That is one place they won’t search.
    Dread enters the bathroom. He has on a black leather shirt-and-pants outfit with red snakeskin boots and belt.
    His eyes become slits as he canvasses the room suspi-74
    Black Rain
    ciously. Chase tries to put on the best mean and tough face that she can muster.
    “You see what Brutus did to my face? I feel like shit and I need to take a shower. Do you mind?”
    Dread walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her body as he pins her to the vanity. His penis bulges against her behind. They stare at each other in the reflection in the mirror.
    “Yes, I mind! I didn’t mean for you to get hurt, but you made my boys look bad, no? Oh, you excited me da way you handled yourself. I just want to make sure that you’re okay, and I ask for your forgiveness, dear.
    Can’t we make passionate love and make up?” Dread presses harder and harder against her, his breathing growing heavier.
    He places his hands on her buttocks and starts to grind. As his intensity gets faster, Chase pushes back, turns to face him and slaps his face. “I will not be treated like a twenty-dollar whore, Dread. My body is sore all over, I’m dirty and not in the mood to be mauled or man-handled!”
    Dread throws his hands up in a surrendering motion while giving her an amused smile. “Please excuse me.
    You’re right. I am beside myself. I will leave you to get dressed. We have

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