Black 01 - Black Rain

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Book: Black 01 - Black Rain by Vincent Alexandria Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vincent Alexandria
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it a black ring. Dirty cops killing drug dealers to get rich.”
    “What’re we gonna do for backup? We won’t know what cops to trust and who’s dirty. I know a few guys in the other departments, but not good enough to rely on their information.” Vernon twirls the cigar in his mouth.
    I decide not to tell him about the fifty thousand finance money, to be spent as front money for the case, I have more than that in the bank, but I don’t want Vernon to get the wrong idea. And I can’t let him think that he’s in on this. I can put my own life in jeopardy, but not Vernon’s. Not this time.
    “Vernon, Agent James asked me to take this case and I agreed to. Solo! I’ll be leaving Sunday.”
    Vernon starts to laugh. “Stop fucking around, Joe.
    You never know when to take things serious.”
    “But, I am serious, Vernon. I can’t ask you to do this.
    Chase and I have history, and I owe her my life.”
    Vernon stands with the ball under his arm, bites down on his cigar and then grabs it out of his mouth. “ We got history, Joe. I’m your partner, remember? I owe you my life and my wife’s. How you expect to do this alone?”
    Vernon doesn’t realize that is the very reason I don’t want him on this dangerous case. He’s like a brother to me and if something happened to him, I would never be able to face myself or his wife, Gertrude.
    I rub my right eyebrow. “Agent James will assist me with cooperatives, and I was going to call on a couple of friends that grew up with me, like Pretty Kevin.”
    “What, Joe, you’re going to trust your life with a pimp? What kind of crazy shit is that?”

    Black Rain
    “Vernon, Kevin has given that life up for two years now. Why you always giving Pretty Kevin a hard time?”
    I grew up and went to college with Kevin. He graduated and could not find a job that paid better than pimping.
    He got caught up in the Missouri River Serial Killer case when his prostitutes started coming up missing and their dead bodies were found floating in the river. He was a prime suspect, but we ended up solving the case and Kevin was cleared. After that situation, Kevin experienced a major life conversion. He now is part-owner of Ebony Plastics, which is doing very well. The corpora-tion grosses over five million dollars per year.
    “Joe, this ain’t about Kevin. This is about my so-called partner making decisions without me. That’s not how it’s supposed to work. Our partnership is about trust, honor and respect. Not selfish decisions that can get you killed. This is about friendship, man.”
    “That’s why I’m not getting you involved, Vernon.
    Man, Gertrude could never forgive me if something happened to you. Pretty Kevin can hook me up with Mo-Mo and St. Louis Slim. These guys love this kind of dangerous shit and I know they’ll have my back. They both owe me big-time, and it’s time for them to pay up.
    Vernon, you know Commissioner Wayne isn’t going to let both of us do this. Look at the cases we already have open. You’ve got to stay and cover for me. You got to look after my wife and kids while I’m gone, man. Who else can I trust to do that, bro?”
    “Joe, Mo-Mo and St. Louis Slim are going to get you killed. Both them fools are crazy and you know it.”
    “Yeah, but both are very loyal and have friends in shady places all over the six-state area. I can get guns Vincent Alexandria
    and good information from the underground black market that they deal in.”
    Vernon sits back on the step and gives a heavy sigh.
    “Joe, why you doing this? You been fucking around with Chase or something?” Vernon puts his cigar back into his mouth.
    “Naw, Vernon. I kissed her one time, but I never had her, dawg.”
    “Yeah, right. That’s bullshit, Joe!”
    I rub my right eyebrow and look Vernon in the eyes.
    “Vernon, I’ve never lied to you, man. I’m not gonna start now.”
    “Whatever, dude. This is fucked up. No wonder your wife is pissed. You’re willing to lose

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