Bittersweet Chocolate

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Book: Bittersweet Chocolate by Emily Wade-Reid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Wade-Reid
Tags: Adult, Interracial, Erotic Romance, Mainstream
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    “If you’ll remember, the reason for the party is for you to meet the neighbors,” she said, her patience waning. “But hey, do what you have to do. I’m not cancelling because you’re in one of your snits.” Nor would she plead with him to stay, or let him ruin her mood. Ignoring him, she continued with her preparations.
    “Who’s coming?”
    “Why the hell...” She stopped. If she finished the question, it would cause the quarrel she wanted to avoid. Releasing her breath in a huff, she said, “The guys from next door with their girlfriends, also Darien, Brittany and her boyfriend, and the neighbors from the first-floor duplex next door, a pleasant young couple. The neighbors below us, an older couple, declined. They planned to be out of town.”
    “What about Frank?”
    Eyeing him suspiciously, she couldn’t imagine why he wanted to know about her cousin, who they rarely talked about because Joel seemed afraid of Frank, and with good reason. Frank didn’t like Joel. “Frank’s out of town, but he supplied the booze before he left. You do remember I’m not old enough to purchase liquor in this state.”
    “You could have asked Brittany or Jason to get it for you?”
    “Why would I, when Frank said he’d handle it. What difference does it make?”
    He shrugged, stared at her for a moment, then pulled her against him, gave her a hard kiss, and pushed her away. Starting for the door, pausing midstride, he turned back.
    “I’m going to visit my family before I get back on the road. Have a good time.” He remained in the doorway.
    “See you when I get back.” He started to leave again, stopped, and said over his shoulder, “We’ll need to have a serious talk then.”
    “Really. About what?”
    “Ending our relationship.” He walked out.

Chapter Five
    She stood stock-still, staring at his retreating form.
    After their last confrontation, she’d been contemplating an end to the relationship. It didn’t feel right anymore, her thoughts about him anything but loving. Even so, she’d talk herself out of making the decision, stupidly clinging to the ludicrous belief they were experiencing the normal ups-and-downs of a relationship. She’d thought they could work through the iffy crap, but seeing him again, it wasn’t going to happen.
    Furthermore, she’d had Graham on her mind more often than Joel. If thinking about another man easily usurped contemplation of Joel, the love couldn’t have been real. What a relief to have those conflicting emotions clarified.
    Now he wanted to break up―more good news. Damn. If it weren’t for the party, she would have insisted they talk tonight. With resolve, she put the Joel issues aside and went back to her arrangements.
    Darien arrived a half hour after Joel’s departure. “Hey, where’s Joel?” She looked around at Marissa’s efforts.
    “Said he had to get back on the road, going to see his parents before he left...isn’t that sweet?”
    “What’s up with you two?” Darien dropped ice cubes into two glasses, half-filled them with Sangria, and handed one to Marissa.
    “Whatever’s going on is Joel’s hang-up.” She and Darien tapped glasses, took a sip of wine, and spoke simultaneously. “Let’s par-r-r-tay! ”
    Working in companionable silence, they prepared deviled eggs and set out platters of store-bought chicken, bowls of chips, pretzels, peanuts, and a tray of raw vegetables with dip. Marissa added honey, the final ingredient, to the pot of baked beans she had doctored with onions, brown sugar, and ketchup.
    “What, no hamburger pie?” Darien teased.
    “It’s in the oven.” She turned to a pot simmering on the stove to check on her new appetizer recipe, butterfly hotdogs.
    Several glasses of wine later, satisfied with her efforts, Marissa refilled the ice bucket and left Darien to add final touches to the arrangements. She headed for her room to bathe and change.
    Refreshed, she climbed out

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