Bite Me

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Book: Bite Me by Elaine Markowicz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine Markowicz
when he decided to show up."
         I placed a hand on his trembling shoulder. "He made a grave mistake. But like Aiden said, we're going to get this guy." I looked at Aiden. "I know who he is. His name is Weston and he hangs at Sinister Nights."
         Aiden immediately pulled out his cell and made a call to his precinct to arrest Weston. He kissed me. "I've got to go for now. I'll call you when we made the arrest."
         I nodded. Aiden patted Jack on the shoulder. "We’ll get him, man." He then exited the flat.
         I lifted my gaze on Jack, swiping the tears from his cheek. "You know, I would have forgiven him. I do, I mean."
         "I know. Can I get you something to drink? A beer? Tea?"
         "Do you have anything stronger?"
         "Scotch." I'd just purchased a bottle the other day.
         "That's fine."
         We went in the kitchen. Jack sat down and I retrieved the whiskey and two glasses. I poured each of us some and handed a glass to Jack. He lifted it in toast. "To Donnie." With a deep sniffle, he tilt back his head and downed the hard liquor. I did the same.
          I poured us more.
         We spent the night drinking and talking and sobbing about Donnie. Since I knew him longer, I had more memories and some of them actually made us laugh. By the time Aiden called, we were pretty smashed.
         "He wasn't there." Aiden's voice came over the phone.
         "Of course not!"
         Jack stood, coming up behind me on the cell. "What's he saying?" he slurred.
        I turned to him. "Weston wasn't at the club. They didn't arrest him."
        "We have an all-points bulletin out on him. We'll catch him."
        "You better." I retorted.
        "Baby, you okay? You sound like you've been drinking more than beer or tea."
        "I'm drunk and I don't care. Jack and I have been celebrating Donnie's life."
        "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow. That is, if you can stand up." He smirked.
        "I'll be fine." I boasted and hung up before saying good-bye.
        I turned to Jack, now seated on the armchair, sobbing into his hands. "My poor Donnie's death will go un-vindicated."
        "We'll get him." I swore. "If I have to track him down and kill him myself."
        "Me too." He whimpered.
        I went in the kitchen and poured us two more glasses of Scotch. I brought it into the living room and handed Jack a glass. I plopped on the sofa. We toasted Donnie again and drank until the two of us passed out.

         I woke the next morning expecting to have a serious hangover but the only thing I had was a dry mouth and a slight throbbing in my head. Jack, on the other hand, wasn't so fortunate. I heard him groan and I glanced over at the armchair where he was sprawled. He looked positively green. I quickly went in the kitchen to retrieve a bucket and put it beside him. Just in the nick of time, for he turned, picked up the bucket and wretched his guts out. I curled my lips in disdain.
         The phone rang and I moved to pick it up off of the coffee table. "Hello?" my voice was still foggy.
         "Hey Sweetness, just calling to find out how you're feeling."
         "Surprisingly well. I'm just really tired."
         Jack vomited again.
         "Unfortunately, Jack isn't doing so well. Looks like I'll be nursing him back to health." I groused.
         "You want me to come over?"
         "That would be nice."
         "Give me thirty minutes."
        We ended the call. I put the cell on the lamp table and shook my head at Jack, his head rolling on the back of the chair.
        "I feel like death." He groaned.
        "You look it."
        He managed to focus his gaze on me. It was not a pleasant one.
         "We're going to have to try and get you on your feet."
        "Oh, let me die." He moaned and closed his eyes.
        I huffed and picked up the bucket, making a face at the stench, and took it in

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