Billionaire's Bounty (Plus Size Loving) BBW Erotic Romance

Read Online Billionaire's Bounty (Plus Size Loving) BBW Erotic Romance by Adriana Hunter - Free Book Online

Book: Billionaire's Bounty (Plus Size Loving) BBW Erotic Romance by Adriana Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Hunter
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fight off the dripping wetness she
could feel forming in her panties. In the next moment, he’d pushed the sleeve
off her shoulder, baring one full, thrust-out breast. She felt his lips latch
on her rock hard nipple, and gasped. “Jude...the driver...”
    “Can’t hear or
see us,” he growled, his fingers moulding the firm, fleshy underside of her
breasts. They both moaned, and this time when he sucked on her nipple, he took
a whole lot of breast in his mouth as well, as if to swallow it in one go. He
licked, suckled and nibbled on her tit till she was a shuddering mass on the
seat of the limo, where he now had her half-lying on her back.
    His free hand
reached down searchingly to her thighs, and found them locked tightly.
    “Spread your
legs, honey,” he commanded huskily, and Miranda forced her rigid leg muscles to
relax, parting her knees and letting him slip a hand beneath her dress. He
touched her through her panties, rubbing strongly on the moistened patch over
her pussy.
    A half-sob
caught in her throat, even as he groaned, his teeth sinking deeper on the skin
of her nipple. Miranda’s head fell back as myriad sensations spread through her
whole body, bringing her too close to the brink. If she didn’t try to hold
back, she knew she would come. In just minutes, he’d been able to bring her to
the highest point of stimulation – and if he didn’t stop, soon, she was
going to combust.
    But he didn’t
stop; he kept sucking on her nipple, rolling it around in his mouth with his
tongue, while he caressed her through her thong, making her so wet she soaked
it right through. It took less than thirty seconds of this merciless
bombardment to get her spasming in helpless release.
She bucked beneath him, her lips parted in a soundless cry as the most powerful
climax ripped into her. She pressed her knees strongly together, stilling the
motion of his hand, even as she clasped his head to her breast, holding on
tightly to him as she came in waves.
    Her face was
red as she tumbled back down to earth, and she almost couldn’t meet his when he
lifted his head to look at her. She cursed her body for being so susceptible to
him, and yet, when she finally caught his eyes, she saw the answering flame of
passion flickering in their navy depths. “God, you are so sexy,” he breathed
out harshly, his hand lifted to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. Miranda was
trembling, feeling warmed by the heat in his gaze. The limo had now come to a
stop, and a glance out of the window showed that they’d arrived at their hotel.
    “Are you okay?”
he asked softly, when she hadn’t spoken. His hands were gentle as he helped her
straighten her clothes.
    Okay? How could she ever be okay? When a man like him could
so effortlessly reduce her to jelly without really trying? But then, his own
intense passion had been doubly arousing, so she hadn’t stood a chance against
his frenzied lovemaking. But she mumbled that she was fine, and managed to
fumble out unto the pavement, her knees wobbly. She was still in a bit of
after-shock after that unexpected episode inside the car during the drive back to
the hotel. She couldn’t remember ever coming so quickly in her life. It scared
her how strongly he affected her both sexually and emotionally.
    She felt him
take her hand silently as they made their way inside and up the lift to their
suite. They didn’t speak, and he didn’t look at her, but she could feel his
tension, the feral aura that exuded from him. His fingers linked with hers, and
his touch was strong, possessive. She had no doubt of what lay in store the
moment they’d have the bedroom door closed behind them. And yet she couldn’t
help wondering what would be number one on the agenda...
    Miranda didn’t
have to wonder for long. Once they were alone in the bedroom, he started to
discard his clothes. Taking his cue, she reached behind her for her zipper, but
he told her gruffly, “No, don’t. I’ll do it.”
    So she

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