Big Girl Panties

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Book: Big Girl Panties by Stephanie Evanovich Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Evanovich
    â€œI’m not bulimic.” She snickered.
    â€œObviously,” he retorted.
    â€œI have thought about taking it up once or twice,” she added, snickering again.
    â€œPlease don’t,” he told her seriously.
    She immediately apologized. “Sorry. I realize you’re only trying to help.”
    â€œGood girl.” He smiled at her again and continued. “What bingers do that is different from compulsives is consume large quantities of food in a short period of time, usually two hours or less. They eat uncontrollably, even after becoming uncomfortably full. They’ll sometimes eat things they don’t even particularly like just for the sake of eating. But unlike bulimics, they don’t purge after an episode. They also have an extremely difficult time losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight.”
    â€œSounds like you’re entering my territory,” she said, and Logan had trouble deciding whether she was joking or not. Given that survival itself was probably a struggle for her since losing her husband, he couldn’t shake the vision of her at home, full of cheap processed foods that were high in fat, sugar, and calories and with no nutritional value.
    â€œActually, my dear complicated little grasshopper, I think you are probably a combination of both.”
    â€œFigures,” she said scathingly.
    â€œI never said you didn’t have your work cut out for you,” Logan told her truthfully.
    â€œSo what’s the solution, Einstein?” She pressed him, suddenly anxious to end the conversation and get to lifting.
    Logan took note of the switch in her demeanor. He was getting too close and she was getting ready to put her wall back up. He decided it was best to finish the tutorial for now, but not before he covered the most important part of the topic. “Look, it’s too soon to tell what sort of body you are going to end up with when we’re done here. If what you told me when we met is true, odds are you’re not going to end up looking like Jennifer Aniston, no matter how much time you spend in a gym working at it. And that’s just something that you need to come to terms with. It’s about getting you healthy. But this I want you to know, and I want it to sink in: there are five specific factors that determine fitness; you are in firm possession of four of them.”
    â€œReally?” She stopped fidgeting and gave him back her full attention.
    â€œAbsolutely,” he told her enthusiastically. “The criteria break down into cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition, which is the clinical term for your body-fat-to-mass ratio.”
    She interrupted with a snort. “I can see you saved the best for last. Let me take a crack at the one I’m falling short on.”
    â€œHey.” Logan promptly cut her off and pointed a stern finger in her direction. “I’m not going to tolerate the wisecracks on this one. Do you realize just what a special gift you’ve actually been given? From the first day you walked in here, I’ve been impressed with not only your cardio endurance but your muscular strength and flexibility. You don’t get that stuff from just having a good attitude. Athletes bust ass for months to get what you had naturally from the get-go.”
    â€œI feel a lecture coming on,” she murmured, beginning to chew on a fingernail.
    He relented. “If that’s what you needed, I would surely provide it. But I don’t want to lecture you. I just want you to be aware of how much you have going for you. For when it gets tough. And make no mistake, it’s going to.”
    â€œTougher than an eating disorder and subjecting myself to your torture? You don’t think I’m going to be able to make it, do you?” She sounded dejected for the first time since he made her get on the scale.

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