Picture Perfect

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Book: Picture Perfect by Ella Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Fox
Tags: english eBooks
started cooking it up. My mouth was already watering. Once I was finished chopping I stood by the stove and watched my dad finish cooking the ham.
    Glancing over, he raised an eyebrow at me. “Alright Flynn, you’re fidgeting. What’s going on?”
    Leave it to my dad to pick up on the fact that I was keyed up about something. Smiling at him I blurted out, “I met a girl. No, wait… that’s not descriptive enough. I met a girl that I really, really like. I’m here for advice on how to romance her. She’s different.”
    His head snapped back and his eyes widened as he turned his full attention to me. “Your mother must be hard at work up there to have achieved this miracle. I’ve been praying for this for years. Tell me all about her. Don’t leave anything out.”
    I smiled at the mention of my mom. He’d told me before that when he went to visit the cemetery he always told her to find me someone to love. I normally roll my eyes when he says it, but he’s been adamant about his desire to see me settled down. “I want grandchildren while I’m young enough to be the cool grandfather,” he always says.
    Taking a deep breath, I dove right into explaining Tessa. “She’s beautiful dad, so damn beautiful that she takes my breath away. And guess what? She hate’s my house! Absolutely loathes it. I put her on the spot and asked what she thought of it, and after a minute all she could come up with was that it was big.”
    That got a hearty chuckle from him. “Now that makes me happy. If you liked some woman that thought that place was beautiful, I’d be so disappointed. How did you meet her?”
    Once I started talking, it was like I couldn’t stop and while he was finishing making breakfast I told him every detail of how we’d met. (Okay… not every detail… I did conveniently forget to mention that we’d both admitted to masturbating to each other’s photos)
    Plating our food, we headed into the breakfast nook before taking seats. “She sounds delightful Flynn. She’s clearly not a groupie or a stalker. If she were guilty of being either, she would have made herself available to you last night, and she never would have told you she was fan. She also wouldn’t care if you thought she was a groupie. A good woman is hard to find son.”
    “I know dad, and that’s why I need your help. I feel like such a defective idiot, but I have no idea how to proceed.”
    Dad beamed at me, like I’d just told him I’d been nominated for a Pulitzer. “The very fact that you’re thinking about it tells me that you’re headed in the right direction. I suggest spending time with her actually getting to know her. Don’t go overboard with crazy dates at expensive restaurants. You need to talk to her, really talk to her, and listen to what she says. The way to a woman’s heart is through her brain Flynn, not her panties. Make good choices and remember that a real relationship won’t look like anything you’ve done before. You’ve had women throwing themselves at you for a long time, but none of that ever made you truly happy or brought you anything other than superficial contentment. It’s time to try something different. You want to get to know Tessa? Then you need to step outside of your box. What do you think would be a nice thing to do with Tessa that would make her happy?”
    The second he posed the question; I knew just what to do. My father was a genius! We spent the rest of the meal talking about my plan. We hugged as I left, and my dad reminded me that he and my grandparents would be at the press conference that afternoon to support us as we made the retirement announcement. It didn’t go unnoticed that I was excited about them meeting Tessa. I wanted my family to see what I saw in her. I just hoped that they would. I’d be crushed if they didn’t like her, or vice versa.

Chapter Eleven

    I spent a restless night tossing and turning while I thought about Flynn. Or, I spent the night fretting about my

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