Between Darkness and Light Trilogy
decidedly discordant,
impressionistic turn. How dare he make such light of my isolation?
Anger burns in my heart, yet caution whispers in my mind. I should
not let this ill-mannered brute shatter my composure, this evening
is too important!
    He continues as though I have no reason to
be upset. “You didn’t think we would indoctrinate you into our
family without being absolutely certain that you are who and what
you appear to be, did you?” My mind floods with indignation, but
then I realize…
    “You haven't also inspected Shiral, have
    “No, as a matter of fact, I haven't been
able to find it - which is strange indeed. I have consulted all our
archives, every means at my disposal, and I couldn't find a single
planet that fit the description you so accommodatingly provided
last night. Our databases include every planet in existence – even
those often-incomplete worlds of Chaos; and yet your Shiral seems
not to exist. Tell me – were you lying about its description?”
    My mind screams 'No!' but I reign in the
instinct, realizing being vague may be Shiral's best hope of
remaining anonymous. I try to smile unconvincingly, “Of course I
spoke truly – I hadn't realized I shouldn't.”
    His eyes narrow as he assesses my words,
then he looks up in unconvincing surprise, “Ah here we are, the
royal throne room.” The doors begin to swing open and I do my best
to force my current thoughts and feelings into that clearing space
in my mind, managing a fleeting control only an instant before we
are first seen by the court. I hear a barely audible gasp of
appreciation from some of the men within. It fills me with enough
confidence to continue.
    William, noting the appreciative looks of
the men closest to us, smiles and mentally whispers ‘Yeah, well,
they’ve got a point.’ That’s all I need to put my anger and
feelings of betrayal completely behind. For a while, at least.
    As we continue forward, a voice rings out.
“Who comes before the Emperor, claiming to be members of this great
family?” We stop for a moment, then I take a step forward.
    “I, Shi'ahn of Shiral.” William steps up to
join me.
    “And I, William of Shiral.”
    “And who will claim them as their own?”
Utter silence. “Is there anyone who will bear proof to their claim
and thereby at least temporarily accept responsibility for them?”
After an appreciable pause Lucian steps forward, but before he can
speak there is a sparkle like light glinting off a gem, and Cailli
stands facing Lucian.
    “Absolutely Not!” She turns toward the
Emperor and her voice rings out loud and clear, “I will claim
responsibility for them temporarily, until the one who is truly
responsible is able to step forward. Until then, any and all who
harm or endanger either of them will have to answer to me.” Then
she turns back to us and smiles, “Go on now.” She makes ‘move
along’ motions toward the throne, then disappears in another
sparkle. We continue to approach the throne, without Lucian's
escort, and stop at an appropriate seeming distance.
    Gazing directly at me, the Emperor says,
“Approach.” I do so, and sink to one knee just before my head would
have risen above his. It may well be the first thing I have done to
please him. He rises and towers over me. “Do you, Shi'ahn, swear
fealty to me and to the realm of Lumina? Do you swear to obey all
your elders and superiors, and above all else, to never act against
the interests of Our Realm?”
    “I do so swear.”
    “Then let the truth of your oath be judged.”
There are gasps in the audience as he reaches up to his crown and
pulls free a mighty jewel. It is the most beautiful gem I have ever
seen – mightier than the greatest of all fire diamonds, and the
power it radiates is… astounding. It is exactly the same color as
the light emanating from the Spire, and as he brings it down toward
me it feels… as though the gem itself radiates something very akin
to my own exhilaration. As it

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