Between Darkness and Light Trilogy
touches my brow we both burst into
song, its’ crystalline perfection, mine a blending of… almost an
interpretation or translation of the gem’s song, and my own
harmonization with it. It is almost as though we were made to sing
together; as my joy explodes around me we are engulfed in Spire
    “Shi'ahn. Shi'ahn?” The light and music fade
from my mind and the Emperor’s face crystallizes in my sight; he
looks concerned. As reality returns to my mind I feel my face relax
from what must have been a rather curious look of ecstatic bliss.
I’m swearing an oath of fealty to my Emperor, that’s why I’m
kneeling before the throne. Why does he look confused, didn’t he
hear what just happened? From his look I would say not, at least,
not all of it, or I would think he would look… happier. Instead he
and everyone else appear surprised and somewhat unsure. They must
have heard that the jewel reacted positively to me, and I probably
exploded in music of my own. Was there anything else? I remember
light, burning ultraviolet. The Emperor continues to search my eyes
deeply, then finally lifts me to my feet and continues, his voice
ringing out more beautifully than any man’s voice I have ever
heard, “Shi'ahn’s oath has been judged true.” He returns his gaze
to me, and for once I sense no distrust, no negativity whatsoever.
He holds out an emerald green crystal. “Shi'ahn, take this crystal
as a symbol of your bond to this family. It may be used to
communicate with your relatives and as a means of transportation.
Welcome to the Imperial House of Lumina.” He then nods toward
    I step back as William moves forward. My
mind fills with the memory of what just happened – it… it was… I
haven’t the words. William’s return to my side forces me to
concentrate on our surroundings. He takes my arm and leads us out
of the throne room.
    “Is that it? Where are we going William?” He
looks concerned.
    “To the feast hall – haven’t you been
    “Listening to what?” He laughs.
    “To the Emperor’s own words?” He pauses and
I shake my head – I don’t remember the Emperor saying anything
about dinner. “Wow, Sis, you’re really out of it. What happened up
    “It was amazing… it sang to me!” William’s
look of concern takes me by surprise.
    “It sang to you? I sure heard your music
explode in… well, it was astoundingly beautiful though not like
anything you’ve ever projected before; you really outdid yourself
there. But you say it sang to you? That I didn’t hear.”
    “Did you at least see the light?”
    “Yes, I did! I started to fear that it would
burn you, it was so bright. The Emperor looked pretty concerned as
well, especially when you were so unresponsive after the Jewel had
been removed from your brow.”
    “I was caught up in the experience… how long
was I up there like that?”
    “At least a ninebreath. The whole room
seemed to hold its breath while we waited to learn if it was a good
or bad thing. I wasn’t sure which until the Emperor announced that
your oath had been accepted. And let me tell you… I was pretty
concerned as I went up to take my oath!”
    I suddenly realize that I have been terribly
inattentive. “How did it go for you – well, I assume?”
    “It wasn’t anything like yours, but yes, it
went well. It seemed like… well, I felt as though a key had been
turned within my mind, unlocking a door I hadn’t known existed… It
was the strangest feeling, and I could almost have sworn I heard
the sound of tumblers falling into place…” His voice is filled with
whispered awe, then returns to normal. “Well, be that as it may, we
are now both confirmed and accepted members of the Imperial House
of Lumina. See, I told you everything would turn out alright.”
    I have a terrible time concentrating on
dinner, my mind is so filled with… music. It’s always filled with
music, of course, but this is different; it’s as

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