Betting My Bride: A Hotwife Novel

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Book: Betting My Bride: A Hotwife Novel by Lexi Archer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Archer
impossible, but at the same time it was nice to fantasize as long as it stayed just that: fantasy. Lindsay was right, that could definitely make for an interesting honeymoon.
    I leaned back and looked out over the beach once more, surveying all the skin on display. Not all of it was necessarily worth looking at, some of the aforementioned older folks who could afford the exorbitant rates at our resort came to mind, but there were definitely plenty of hotties out on the beach. Though none of the girls that passed by held a candle to Lindsay. I know that she's my wife and I'm biased, especially considering it was our wedding day which just amped up the beauty, but in my opinion she really was the most gorgeous girl on the beach. And judging from the way guys kept walking by and trying to catch quick glances at her without me noticing other guys were recognizing just how hot she was!
    "How are we going to determine whether or not one of us wins the bet?"
    I thought about that for a moment. "I think before we do that we need to figure out exactly what it is we're betting over."
    Lindsay giggled. "That's easy enough. You seem to be living in some sort of alternate reality where every guy who walks by is drooling over me, and I don't think that's true at all."
    "That's easy enough," I said. "We just prove that a guy is interested in you and I win the bet. It's going to be the easiest bet in the world!"
    "Hold on there stud," Lindsay said holding up a hand. "If we're making the terms of this bet slave for a day then we need to have definitive proof that a guy is a hitting on me. More than one guy, really, if we're going to prove your little assertion true!"
    "So what do you consider proof that more than one guy's hitting on you?"
    Lindsay shrugged. "I don't know. I figure I'll know it when I see it, but it's definitely not something like a guy looking at me as he walks past or one of those guys throwing a football right in front of us."
    I shook my head. That was going to make it things a little less easy, but it definitely wasn't going to make things hard if you catch my meaning. I figured guys trying to get her attention and guys checking her out was definitely proof that I was winning the bet, but if she wanted to make it a little more interesting that was fine with me. I still figured I'd win easily.
    "Fair enough. I'm still going to win this hands down."
    She looked at me and smiled and then looked back out over the beach. "That's what you think."
    Of course I couldn't tell her why I so desperately wanted to win this bet. Slave for a day was interesting, but I was more interested in a world of possibilities that could potentially open up if she realized guys were looking at her, even if I wasn't going to follow through on some of the more depraved possibilities that were running through my mind.
    Noticing guys looking at her though, realizing just how hot she was and the power she had, that could be interesting. I figured it was probably a pipe dream, it was probably firmly in the realm of fantasy that she'd react the way I wanted her to react, but still. We were making progress.
    Now to get to winning!

9: Confession
    "Come on Lindsay. It's obvious that guy was checking you out!"
    "You agreed when we started this that guys tossing a football or whatever down in front of me wasn't going to count!"
    "But that was like the seventh time that's happened in the last half-hour since we made the bet. Surely that's got to count for something?"
    "You agreed to the rules and you're going to follow them," Lindsay said with a sniff.
    I sat back on my towel, completely and utterly defeated. To be perfectly honest it was starting to get annoying having those guys tossing the pigskin around right in front of us and for more reasons than one. I was a little annoyed that these guys were trying to hit on my wife when it was obvious she was here with me, but at the same time it turned me on almost as much as it annoyed me so it's not like I

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