Better to rest

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Book: Better to rest by Dana Stabenow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Stabenow
engine and waved a reassuring hand. Everything okay there. She waggled the wings and climbed back to five hundred feet.
    They landed in Newenham a little before five, just in time for the Moores to catch the last Anchorage-bound flight of the day. Wy noticed a body bag being loaded into the cargo hold, and wondered who had died, and if it had been a death Liam had had to respond to, and if so, what time he would be home. It was her turn to cook, and Jo and Gary both had been invited. She decided on macaroni and cheese with onions and garlic, her mothers specialty and a dish that could easily be made larger by the addition of another vegetable on the side. She snugged down the Cessna, checked the Cubs tie-down lines, and headed for Eagle to lay in supplies.
    Jo and Gary were already at her house, engaging Tim in a fierce battle of cutthroat pinochle. “I cant believe you shot the moon! he was saying when she walked in.
    Jo gathered up cards with a complacent air. “Yes, well, like I always say, cutthroat is not for the faint of heart.
    “Only the hard of head, Gary chimed in, so opportunely that it could only have been something he had said and she had heard many times before.
    Jo aimed a halfhearted cuff at the side of his head and shuffled the cards in an alarmingly professional manner, fanning them, flipping them, and dealing them out again in a blur. Tim was trying hard not to look impressed and failing. “Could you, like, maybe, teach me how to do that?
    “Like, maybe, I could.
    Gary looked up and saw Wy, and flashed a warm, intimate grin. “Hey, girl.
    “Hey, Gary.
    Tim observed this exchange through narrowed eyes.
    “Back on the ground, fly girl? Jo said. “Just in time to pour another round. You have your uses.
    “Youre welcome, Wy said dryly, and got three Coronas from the refrigerator.
    “Did you get any Coke at the store? Tim said.
    “How many have you had already today?
    He looked annoyed. “I dont know.
    “At school?
    “I dont know, he said.
    “One at lunch, one every break, did you stop off at Eagle and pick one up after school?
    “I dont know!
    She kept her voice soft and even. “We talked about this, Tim. Theres too much sugar in those things, more than six teaspoons a can. Theyll rot your teeth, make you fat, give you diabetes like Ted.
    “I dont care. At least he wasnt yelling anymore.
    “I do. And what I say goes. She pulled a can out of one of the bags. “How about a diet Coke?
    “They dont have the kick. And theyre too sweet.
    “Ill squeeze a lemon into it.
    “You in? Jo said, giving his handful of cards a pointed look. “Its your bid.
    He examined his cards, and eyed the kitty with a suspicious expression. “I guess Ill open.
    “Pass, Gary said promptly.
    “Pass, Jo said promptly. “Going, going, gone for the bargain-basement bid of fifteen.
    “Oh, man, Tim said, “I cant believe you dumped it on me again. Im going out the back door for sure. He reached for the glass Wy had set next to him and took a drink. “Okay, okay, what have we got? When he overturned the jack of hearts that filled out the run in his hand, he whooped in triumph, to accompanying moans from Jo and Gary.
    It proved to be the last hand of the game, as Jo won on points and tonights rules said you didnt have to take the bid to win. Tim vanished into his bedroom and the latest Bon Jovi CD. At least he went in for real rock and roll instead of Ice-T and the Backstreet Boys. Parents, Wy was learning, had by virtue of their job description much cause to be grateful for small favors.
    The toilet flushed and Gary came into the kitchen. “You got any tools?
    Wy looked at him and he held up a hand. “Sorry. Stupid question. You got any non-FAA-approved tools?
    “Theres a toolbox in the closet next to the front door. Why?
    “Youve got a leak in your bathroom.
    “Dont worry about it; I can fix it. You got any scraps of Sheetrock around?
    “Never mind, Ill take a look, see what

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