My Escort

Read Online My Escort by Kia Carrington-Russell - Free Book Online

Book: My Escort by Kia Carrington-Russell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell
afternoon?” My tone was rising again in agitation.
    “Yes, oh, be sure to invite your dazzling boyfriend. You two left so quickly last night I never got to say goodbye. I still can’t believe that you obtained such a fine specimen,” she said, brushing through her fringe and neatening her bun. “I still can’t believe it.”
    “I’m sorry to inform you that he won’t be able to make it. He has a busy work schedule,” I quickly said, annoyed at her tone.
    “Well then, perhaps he is not as dedicated to you as you had us believe. But don’t be alarmed, we all have short fun relationships to get us by here and there. Not everyone is meant for a loyal, long-term relationship,” Debra said harshly.
    Before I could respond she had already left me in the silence of my own office, after slamming the door behind her. I bit my lip, holding back the bitter taste her conversation left in my mouth. Why did I stand for this? Why had I never complained before?
    “My boyfriend, huh?” I thought of Damon, agitated with myself for thinking of him straight away. Now what was I to do? I couldn’t call him and ask him to attend this party.
    I started scrolling through my contacts to find “Lismoore’s Catering.” They were used to catering for us at short notice, thanks to Debra. Whilst emailing them my mind constantly raced over Damon’s brown eyes, his husky voice, that taunting smile, and how he rubbed his facial hair. My lie had cast a ripple effect. What was I now to say, “We broke up”? Wouldn’t that only give Debra more satisfaction? I didn’t think through the long term repercussions of this lie.
    I looked at my phone hopelessly, for some reason expecting a message or a missed call. I was hoping to hear from Damon, I realized. “It’s because I have his wallet,” I convinced myself. I rolled my eyes at my infatuation. Was it because he was someone new, someone I could laugh with? I scratched at my hair in confused agitation. Why was Damon all I was thinking of?
    After a few hours and finalizing a few more arrangements, our fellow workers began trailing in, and eventually the lady of the day, Cassidy, sounded her arrival with a squeal of delight. I clicked out of my screen and walked out to her desk.
    “Happy birthday!” I said excitedly to her. She tucked her curly blonde hair behind her ears, smiling as she opened the jewelry box.
    “Thank you! I love them,” she beamed, exchanging the earrings she wore for the hoops.
    “So, how was last night? I already snuck in a peek of him by the photos Liam printed. He is so cute.”
    “Ah yea... It was interesting,” I said, trying to hide away as I blushed. “I had a really nice night.” I drifted into silence as one of the journalists exited the elevator and headed to the journo’s room.
    “So did you get lucky?” she asked with a sly smile before poking out her tongue.
    “Goodness, no, he is an escort, not a prostitute,” I said, instantly regretting how loudly I said it and looking around to see whether anyone had heard. Luckily no one showed any interest because they were in their designated rooms and deep in conversation about the night before.
    “What a shame. You guys looked cute in the photo,” she said whilst straightening her pink, mid-length dress and then jumping onto her bench casually. She looked like a child the way she flicked her legs back and forth.
    “Well, I don’t know what to do now, because Debra expects him to come to Marcial’s going-away party—”
    “Marcial is leaving?” she cut me off.
    “Yea, I was only informed this morning as well. So, Debra is making me organize a party for him. But she expects me to bring Damon along. And I don’t know what to do. I thought it would be fun last night—and it was—but it was a lie, all the same.”
    “So invite him, hire him out again?” Cassidy simply said, looking at the few gifts that were piled on her desk. She ripped a purple ribbon from a silver-papered

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